
Feelings toward...?

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ok doing this career project at school i mean im soo hyped cuz i LOVE wrestling no doubt i wanna be a pro parents have a total prob with the whole wrestling thing..soo (keeping it from them) i decided to do my project on being a model b-cuz wwe divas usually take pictures..well im studing the career and..i HATE IT!! its lyk eating me alive b-cuz im not doing it on pro wrestling..why am i feeling this way??..i mean its just a not really gonna be a model im gonna be a pro wrestler so why is it bugging me so much???...




  1. Certainly, you can have long term dreams of becoming anything you want.

    But, you also need to be realistic.  In order to be successful in any field, including wrestling, you need a certain level of life skills.  And, those skills are acquired through both general and specific knowledge and experience.

    So, focus your project on the acquisition of skill sets which will allow you to function productively in the entertainment and services industries, of which wrestling and modeling are a part.

    Personally, I think that you need to set your sights higher, but that's just me.

  2. I dont know what to tell you but if its just a project do it and get it over with so u can focus on being a Diva
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