
Feels like legs twitch after workout?

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I walked on the tradmill for 40 mins.I am fat.After I was done my thighs felt like they were twitching you could feel it deep in my legs.why? what is that? is something wrong with me ? also when I step off the tradmill,I almost feel like my legs are springy




  1. Actually, those twitches mean you are either over-exercising from your normal routine, or your muscles are not used to that much effort. In any case, lay off the treadmill for a day, to allow the tears in your muscles to heal, then work out again the next day. If you are REALLY overweight, working our this way is even MORE important, as it gives your body a breather in between activities. Be sure to drink water before, during, and after a workout, and to cool down with easy stretches to start with, nothing that puts you in pain. Whatever you DO, do not go overboard, or you will hurt yourself.

  2. The twitching you feel means you got a good workout... it is your natural endorphines that your body releases. When I workout if I do not feel the small twitching I work out for another 30 minutes.  

  3. Your muscles seem to have gone into spasm. Any muscle any where could twitch or cramp up, your toes could curl under and your calves could feel like they're in terrible pain. First, stretch it out, go against the strain immediately and shake it off. It may spasm, it may ache, but it should stretch out and relax in a few minutes.

    Muscle twitching and cramping are signs of a sodium imbalance. If you took a sports drink and drank some while you were exercising, it would let you sweat it out, but stay hydrated. It should prevent those muscle twitches, but if you continue to twitch, you know you're not getting enough.

    Exercise should make you feel really awake and alert. It's going to give you much more awareness of your muscles and it creates a muscle memory. That should subside as you continue to do it. You may just be reacting to it right now because you're not used to that. It sounds like you are getting quite a rush off your workout. Good for you.

    Be sure and watch your sodium intake when you workout. You may think it will leave you bloated, but you should be able sweat it out and still keep yourself well-hydrated.

    It can also keep you calm and prevent you from going out and pigging out after a workout. Now, you can eat healthy meals and that should satisfy you. But if you deny yourself the sodium, you could think you're so hungry you could eat a horse. That can lead to overeating and putting on more weight. You don't want that.

    I hope this helps you.

  4. it means your body isn't used to that yet it will go away soon

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