
Feels like there is a lump in my throat...?

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I am 27 weeks pregnant. For the past few days it has felt like there is a golf ball in my throat. It is very uncomfortable and starting to get pain full. I had this when I was younger but went away... never went to the doctor or anything. I also have a low thyroid, idk if that could have something to do with it. It seems to be getting worse. I called my doctors office and they are on lunch until 2pm. I dont think this is something I need to call my OB for. Has anyone else had this? Any suggestions?

btw: I cannot actually feel a lump from the outside... its like its just there and doesnt effect swallowing or eating. Its just like a sensation i guess.




  1. I have this. It sounds like acid reflux. Very common in pregnancy. Yes you need to call your OB. They can give you something to help it. Mine gave me Protonix and it did a world of good. You could have some damage to your esophagus from the acid and if left untreated it can turn into something bad.

    Good luck!

  2. it could be throat cancer and no i am not kidding plz go to the DR asap like today or to the ER even if you have to  

  3. sounds like it could be tonsilitis or something similar which isn't uncommon seeing as you may be a bit run down and tired with the pregnancy.

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