
Feels like there is debri around my extractions sites?

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it's been almost 2 weeks from my wisdom teeth extraction.

and now it feels like there is grainy debri around the extraction sites. I irrigate the sites frequently so I don't think it's any type of food or whatever.

is this normal?




  1. If it is a rough feeling, it is probably scar tissue.  As long as you are using the syringe that the doctor gave you and keeping the area clean, you shouldn't have to worry.

    Make sure you use a toothbrush back in that area, which will help the gums heal.  If it doesn't get better or you develop pain or swelling, call the doctor that took out your wisdom teeth.

  2. Since you irrigate the sites I doubt it's food particles.  But if you aren't also doing a gentle brush job there, I imagine you may well have some plaque building up in the spots.  You can use a piece of gauze with some toothpaste gel to brush the gums there, and remove it - if that's what it is.  You can also use a soft toddler's brush to brush the gums as well.  You would be sufficiently healed to be able to do either one, and get the holes well cleaned.  After all, plaque doesn't just coat teeth, it's all over the mouth as well.  If that doesn't work, then perhaps you should return to the dentist and have it looked at to find out what is in there.  

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