
Feline Distemper Vaccination - Does One Dose Protect?

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I understand that this vaccination is given in a series of shots 3-4 weeks apart but I am wondering:

After the initial first feline distemper vaccination how well is a cat really protected?

Also if protected how long after the vaccination itself does it come into full effect and start to protect the kitten?





  1. One dosage does not give full protection - a cat requires all 3 if they are a kitten, and at least 2 as an adult.   The immunity that a cat receives from one dose varies, and isn't worth the risk for the small cost of the vaccine.  The upper respiratory diseases this vaccine protects against are highly contagious, and in the case of distemper, generally fatal.

    Here is an article done by the Cornell vet school, if you scroll down it explains why a series of vaccines must be administered in kittens:

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