
Feline Leukemia Kitten

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I'm moving into an apartment & am considering saving this cute positive kitten from work. If no one takes her she will be euthanized, but no one wants to kill her. She's a very sweet diluted calico with striking yellow eyes. She probally won't live long, but I work at a vet clinic so she could get excellent care. Knowing the day may come that I will have to euthanize her makes it a tough decision. Should I take her? If so what should I name her? What kind of special needs come with a kitty?




  1. I agree with Amy K, but I also agree with the first answerer... Talk to your friends, and coworkers, and see what they think. Personally, I would take her home, and try to make the best out of what time she has left. I think Angel, or Hope would be excellent names.

    Good luck in whatever you choose, just know that there will be heartache with your decision.

  2. I think that as long as she seems to be in good health, considering, you should make her last few weeks or months really great. Name her Angel.

  3. Even though you know you can get care for her at the vet clinic they don't live very long with Leukemia and in the meantime may even be suffering. I suggest doing the right thing and having her put down before you get attached. Save yourself the heartache. Plus would you want her to suffer or to quietly go to sleep.  
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