
Fellow Americans, how can we destroy our complacency?

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Our meek and selfish individuality, our greed and self-preservation is a disease that is dividing us from our potential. How can we destroy our obstacles that keep us from growing as a unified people (globally, not just nationally)?




  1. Destroy complacency? This would involve folks stepping out of their own personal comfort zone and calling their representatives out on the carpet. It would involve  letting our senators and congressmen know what we want, taking a stand and writing letters.

    Complacency..... US citizens let congress get away with the 16th amendment which allowed for an income tax. US citizens let congress get away with hate crime legislation, now there are special protected classes of people who can bring the full force of the government to bear because their feelings were hurt. (There is no law that states you have the right to not be offended).

    US citizens did, and this was a good start, notify their legislators recently that they did not want the new immigration reform that would allow for another round of amnesty.

    So, to destroy complacency, all it takes is a pen and paper (or emai) to let your representatives know how you feel about something. Always remember, they work for us, the people, not the other way around.

  2. aww do we hafta

    nice cat

  3. WHAT A QUESTION we have lost 3789 us troops an you ask this go to bin laden an ask him

  4. What history book are you reading ?

    Meek ?  We are destroying  other country's who did nothing to us.

    Selfish, Greed ? America gives more to the world then any other country.

    Self-preservation, is something we should start doing, look out for ourselves for a change.

  5. Good question. History shows that the only way a superpower can be awoken from its complacency is through a crisis.  It would be ideal if we could avoid a crisis but I know of no instance in history where a superpower spontaneously awoke from complacency without a crisis.

  6. This is probably the best question I have seen on here in a long, long time.

    It has taken years of grooming by the administration and the news media to get the American people to this level of complacency.  My guess is it will take even longer to reverse it.

    Just remember the saying:  Divide to conquer, and you have the cause, now find the cure.  The people have been divided over practically everything with the blessing of the government and some special interest groups, funded by the same administrations.

    The only thing there seems to be an agreement on is the right to bear arms.  That might not be a bad idea, something has to be done before the American dream is just that.

    The enemy within is the worse enemy you can have, because he says he's your friend.

  7. It's not about race, religon, gender, or sexual preference... It's evident though that there is a class war.... The rich and corrupt who only have their own self interests in mind our taking over.. I say s***w the rich!

  8. raise the price of gas

  9. All I have to say is, GOOD LUCK WITH THAT. The most important element contributing to the success of this mission would be a miracle.

  10. Our greedy self interest has created the greatest economic powerhouse on the planet. It has created a free society that allows those of ability to achieve. Complacency is a result of prosperity, if you wish to live in society of dominated by poverty please feel free to leave there are many countries where there is no complacency with the status quo. Of course if you really want to see greedy people driven by self interest just visit a poor nation.

  11. One person at a time, bro, one at a time.

  12. Quite frankly, we, as Americans, are living too comfortably to really effectively want and work for true change. We have developed a sense f as long as matters do not directly impact me, I, as an individual, am not too concerned about the state of affairs - locally, nationally and to a greater extent the world. We need to down to the core where our beliefs and our work ethic match our needs and priorities for our future. We have to not only demand change in ourselves but hold those in leadership accountable for setting up an appropriate vision for the direction of this country. One obstacle we must eliminate is the polarization of the idealogical thinking in America. Somehow, we have chosen to allow specific aspects of American society to decide how we are suppose to think on all issues. We need to have both specific focus and the ability to have all sides heard on key issues to make the correct choices to move this country ahead. Democracy requires all voices to be heard and changes made for the good of country's overall needs. Not merely cater to the whims of the select few ho can basically buy their changes and impose their will on the rest of society. Two, we need to work more for change at both an early age and more on the local level moving up to the national structure. It is pointless to expect Washington DC to understand the need for lower taxes, better wages and health care but we know nothing about the problems and issues impacting our local governments. Three, we have to accept the fact that we are ALL citizens of the United States of America. While we may not all like each other, we need to start lerning our to live better with each other while we are living here. This country is less than 300 years old and has roughly close to 300 million people living in it. In this short period of time we have grown by the ability to be inclusive of those living in and open to others willing to come here to make a better life for themselves under this system of government. We need to remember this country was built on and by everyone coming from different cultures and backgrounds. Living in America in 2007 with all the diverse cultures and history, we need to do a better job of living with each other and learning about each other than we are currently. Additionally, for those willing to come to the United States of America, they need to understand they have an obligation to live and work here in this country pursuant to the laws of the land set forth by the government and rule of law in place.

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