
Fellow Americans...Are you ready for direct legislative power?

by  |  earlier

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I won't in anyway try to answer this question for you. But I will ask that YOU decide whether you are for or against the National Initiative: (must be a registered voter, but you can register there)




  1. nope

  2. Initiative allows the people to directly propose laws.

  3. Would that lower the price of the steak from $14 each in Miami Beach?

  4. Democracy is necessarily a degenerate form of government. Having removed the safeguard of an independent Senate with the 17th Amendment, we have 'Representative Democracy' now and look at the results! To allow just any moron to scream loud enough about the 'crisis' of the minute to get other morons to propose legislation....... Our country would degenerate into un-civil war!

  5. People interested in Direct Democracy, might wish to take a look at

  6. 303,461,024 voices directly legislating... do you really think that would work?  

    We frequently can't get 435 voting Representatives and 100 senators to agree.on an issue...  

    I don't see how this country could be anything other than a "Representative Democracy"  ....

    the Electoral college is another discussion - but it is not a simple one..

    At a local level many "Races" are "non-partisan" [the candidates don't use party labels...] but all the locals know who are the Republicans and who are the Democrats....

    These are complicated problems and they won't be solved by jingoism.

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