
Fellow Canadian Mommies, or mom's who live in cold climate (winter) who had kids around in the winter?

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Hi all..

Since winter is fast approaching, (all the leaves on my giant back tree are rapidly changing to yellow..) I have a few questions. What did you do with your little one in the winter? Did you go out as much (even though it is so cold and the driving sucks)? What did you and your little one do?

My son is 5 months old and although we are currently enrolled in Baby and Me Aquafit on Wednesday's, I am wondering what else we could be doing during the winter months (until March...then back to work :-(

Also, when you went out, did you bundle little one up everytime in their snowsuit? I have one that was given to me, but do you use it everytime you go out? It seems that it would be too warm...

Any advice for the upcoming winter would be appreciated...I live in Alberta and it could literally snow any day (a few years ago it snowed August long lie)





  1. I got a really fantastic pair of winter boots and a super-warm parka and made a point out of getting out of the house for a walk _every day_, and that turned out to be an extremely good idea.

    Get a sling or other soft carrier; baby just slips right under your coat. I got a lot of use out of a wool balaclava like this:

  2. my son was born in august last yr so he was still a baby when winter rolled around. you don't have to snowsuit him every time you go out just if your going to play out side. But definalty a jacket, pants. Winter clothes a snow suit might be too warm for a car ride to just go to another heated place but you need to make sure they are still warm with my son we put him in a jacket and some pants then we put a blanket over his legs for transport sometimes we put a blanket over him just to get to the car if its windy or snowing

  3. my daughter was born in December and I live in northern michigan,  its snowed in MAY here before. anyway, we didnt go out much the first few months. Im not a winter/snow/cold person.

    this winter will probably be the same.  

  4. I live in southern Ontario and although it's not nearly as cold as Alberta it still gets quite frigid here.  My son was born in September of last year so he was still rather small during the coldest months.  I still tried to make it a habit of getting out of the house at least a couple times a week.  I would either go visit a friend, drop in at work to show him off (okay, not all that often with that...!), go to the mall or local department stores to window shop and just walk around, stop at the grocery store and get a few things, drop in on family members who weren't working and might not necessarily get to see my son as much.  And if it wasn't too cold, we'd even go for a quick stroll around the block.  

    We did buy my son a snow suit but I quickly realized that it was a big waste of money.  As you said, it was very warm for him, especially once the car was warmed up and it was quite cumbersome as well.  What I did end up buying (and I wish I had bought it sooner) was a Jolly Jumper Cuddle Bag ( from Zellers.  It fits right in the infant carrier or stroller and is nice and soft and warm.  I would put a hat on him, cover him with the top cover and, depending on how windy and cold it was, add an extra blanket on top to shield him.  Once in the car, I just unzipped and pulled back the top cover and took his hat off.  I have to say, now that he's in a convertible car seat I am not looking forward to dealilng with the winter coat/snowsuit!

  5. In the winter we do go out less, especially when it is -20 or less, than we tend to go shopping only and get the older child to school. We only go to the city to shop when the roads are cleared out and there are no blizzard warnings. We rent alot of movies in winter and we do walk on the beach several times a week. We make snowmen when it is warmer out.  I do go to a baby program when I can and the roads are safe. I use the snowsuit when we go for walks. When he was really little, I didn't use it, I just zipped him up in his car seat bunting and than when you are in a store, you can unzip it. I also got a peek-a-boo cover for on top of his care seat bunting thingy, or whatever they are called.

    I just moved from Alberta awhile ago! I love it there. I was born and raised there! I am on the coast now. I miss the ranches and farms and stuff. It does get cold there. In alberta there is more to do, like swimming pools, and malls, and Tim Hortens, there is also indoor playgrounds in alot of fast food places.

  6. Well, I live at 10000 feet in Colorado, and like you, it could snow at any moment! (We actually had our first dusting of snow 3 weeks ago- in mid-AUGUST!) I'm due in December with my first baby, so I can't speak from experience, just with what I intend to do.

    I have bought a Bundle Me- which basically is a fuzzy case for the entire car seat for when he/she is really small, and I'm going into the grocery store- that way the carseat is wearing the snowsuit, not the baby!  I got a ton of hats and mittens at my baby shower, and I'll probably wind up getting a puffy snowsuit for the little one for when we're outside- especially for more than a few minutes.

    We are getting a bike trailer that converts into a snowsled harness to wear when we cross-country ski.  We may have to wait until March or April when they're a little bit older to use it.  I don't think a newborn is ready to be in the elements for that long of a time- puffy snowsuit or not!  My husband and I are planning on trading off so we can catch in a ski when we can- at least until the baby is old enough to go with us!  

    Sounds like your baby is getting to be old enough to be able to play outside for longer amounts of time once the snow flies.

    As for the baby being too warm, I wouldn't worry about that too much if you're living in such a cold climate.   If their cheeks are flushed and are getting fussy, maybe it's time to rethink the layers- they'll let you know when they're uncomfortable!

  7. SNowboarding!

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