
Fellow Cubs fans, what annoys you most? ?

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A. When haters say that our fans blame goats, black cats and Steve Bartman for our team's failures when in reality it's usually just haters or Cubs bandwagoners that bring those up.

B. When the Cubs go on a losing streak towards the end of the year that immediately means that is the start of their "collapse" (now is a great example of that, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't worrying a little right now.)

C. When haters stereotype all Cubs fans as drunks who are ignorant about the game, which is untrue as well, being that I know many Cubs fans that are very knowledgeable about the game.

Cubs haters, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't bother answering unless you want a thumbs down.




  1. My personal favorite is Answer choice C. I absolutely detest anyone who says that Cubs fans are just tourists, and that the are only there for the beer and the ivy. I bleed blue and red, and some people try and talk **** saying that Cubs fans are all tourist/ fairweather fans/ or they just go for the bars. I have followed the Cubs since I was 6 years old, and I am not a tourist, and i am not a fan of ivey, I go to the games, watch, and cheer for my team. I actually care what happens in the game and know all of the players. I dont like to talk about other teams... but where were the fans on the Southside in April of '05?? I went to a game in '05 with only 9,000 people in attendance. Dont talk to me about people at Wrigley being tourists.

    Through Thick and Thin

  2. All of the above

  3. As a Cubs fan, I'll address them one at a time.

    A. While I agree that most fans actually don't believe in these curses, there are a few that do perpetuate the myth.(Along with the media and some of the haters.)

    B. The idea of a losing streak late in the season being a collapse is just a matter of people looking at past history. How the collapse of 1969 or the fact that a team hasn't won in nearly 100 years has anything to do with this year's team I'll never know, but the reputation as a team that fails much more frequently then it succeeds will take a lot longer to get rid of then any of the other teams that have broken long dry spells recently (i.e - red Sox or White Sox)

    C. Any stereotyping of a team's fan base is ignorant. Anyone that thinks that a person of any group, whether it be a particular team's fan base, a certain ethnic group, a member of a certain political party, etc. is only reflecting that ignorance. People like Gene who simply have decided that all Cubs fans fit into one little neat package - that every one of us drinks to excess, (I'm a great example of that - I think I've had all of about 3 or 4 drinks this season) that anyone who is a Cubs fan is doing so only because they are racist (no way a white man could root for the team on the South Side - even white men like me who happened to be married to a black woman who is a White Sox fan), or that we simply are all bandwagon jumpers who know nothing about the game. And while I admit that a large majority of the people who portray themselves as Cubs fans perhaps fit into one of these categories (look at the crowd at Wrigley ) that does not mean that every single person who is a Cubs fan is a drunken racist idiot. Anyone who believes they can automatically characterize every single person in a group in a negative way is probably prejudiced to pretty much anyone that does not agree with them, or does not attend the right church, or does not have the "right" color of skin. While disliking all Cubs fans certainly is not as bad as hating someone for any of those reasons, it reflects the same type of thinking. people who are that ignorant won't ever be changed, so why worry about it? The fact that they choose to answer questions that are obviously not directed for them only to slam ALL Cubs fans is an indication of how much they are obsessed with running down these fans as a group.

    SO, yes, I take offense at all three. But I also take offense at  those Cubs fans who help perpetuate the myth. And to be honest, I see a lot more fans that seem to fit that description lately, particularly in this forum.

    And in response to your leaving this forum, if a few disagreements or a few ignorant comments make you leave, you probably will end up leaving just about any Q & A forum. You are going to encounter people like that anywhere you go. Either stay out of these types of forums or grow a thicker skin.

  4. Well I live like 5 minutes from Chicago in Indiana, but I am a big Dogers fan and i always have been. I don't like the Cubs because my twin brother is a huge Cardinals fan but i have been to Cubs/Dodgers game in Wrigley and the fans don't seem like that, yes they drink a lot, but that doesn't make them drunks. Most of the people who say that are just bandwagon fans of their teams and love to hate teams that are doing good. Go Dodgers!  btw  you guys shoul keep Fukudome on the bench and start Cedeno and DeRosa. GL in playoffs but I hope the Dodgers get in and win.

  5. First I am not a Cub hater but I do take great joy in watching them lose since I am a White Sox fan.  

    As for A, it is the press that brings that up more than your so called Cubs haters.  Every year around this time the newspapers start talking about the different reasons that the Cubs didnt win in the past, and it's the same at the start of the season.  

    For B, is it?

    For C, just because you know many who are knowledgable about the game does not mean ALL Cub fans are.

  6. Here's what bothers me the most. Brewers fan posts something Cubs fan doesn't like, Cubs fan reports him. Cubs fan posts something Brewers fan doesn't like & Brewers fan reports him..... it's all over every team / division all over Y/A sports. I push buttons & people push (or attempt to) my buttons, it maybe Yahoo Answers but there's alot of trash talk / button pushing going on & i think if you are going to dish it you better take it & not use the report button as a crutch or revenge.

    I'm a 38 year old Cubs fan & i've heard it all before. I haven't read anything on here "new" about how the Cubs suck, goats, cats or drunk fans but guess what? I know there are Cubs fans that know baseball & their team. I know most real Cubs fans even know what's going on in the farm..... i let it all roll.

    if you or any other fan of anyother team can't take the heat, you probably need to find another forum (it will be the same there, trust me) but we all need to lighten up & lay off the report button. we've lost alot of good users due to childish games. can't everyone just have some fun w/ this?

    Happy Birthday, I don't want you gone, i want you to be here to point fingers w/ me after our Cubbies win it all - I BELIEVE!

  7. wow, is that... crying i hear?

  8. I hate all of those a lot and I will explain why.

    A: Really, I do not know why people say all cubs fans say that. I know I never have. We just have not won for a while but we all still stick with our team.

    B: I do not like this I am young but I still feel like I know this well. I am starting to worry but I guess even good teams have times they do bad. I just hope we can bounce back and win a few games in a row.

    C: I do not even know why they say this. We are the fans who start cheering before something big happens. We anticipate big plays in the game. Other stadiums have to wait to see the replay on a jumbotron to realize they need to cheer. I think the cubs have the most genuine fans in all of baseball.

  9. D.  None of the above.  They are all true!!  Thumbs way up to Gene H.  Bring on the thumbs downs!  :)  

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