
Fellow Democrats, what do you think of the bands theme of Disco music at this years DNC? ?

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It's better. No pundits, no commentators. Just speeches.




  1. PBS  Mon, Aug 25

    8:00 PM 2008 Democratic National Convention: Day 1 Record with TiVo

    Yes, it is cool..but Disco died in the 70"s?

  2. Who will be dressed up like the disco duck? lol

  3. I hadn't heard them yet.  Got a site to go to?

    Does it include George Clinton and the Parlement Funk band?  That would totally rock the house down!

  4. No Art Girl, P-Funk ...Nowhere to be found, Bootsy on the scene? ...not even Kind of,

    Nope I heard them play "celebration" and " Play that Funky music" earlier, and it sounded like...well, wedding music.

  5. disco

    how irritating

  6. Disco is a little passe, and detracts from the seriousness of the convention. As you suggest C-Span gives a blow by blow account.

  7. I saw Earth, Wind, & Fire on & thought, OMG, I am really old, I didn't know what they looked like, back in the day when we didn't have is when I remember them from....I think disco is the most energizing music. I feel like I have been dead for 8 years so I love that we are going into a time to re-born, awake & alive. I think we get better with new cycles if we are wise or we get worst if we make the McSame mistakes. We thought Bush was bad but if we don't learn it will get worst unitl we get it...So disco make me want to get up & dance or I guess we called it boogie back then. Of course, I am so happy about the dems. I wouldn't care what kind of music they would have....I am curious about the Agape Choir they are from Culver City & their Rev. is Michael Beckwith (from The Secret)  a big L. A church which is new thought so the music should be not religious yet very inspiring. I am a member of one of their church on the East coast. I don't have a clue who else will be there.

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