
Fellow Enviromentalists; what do you do.......?

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To not become discouraged by others who don't take the same initiative in making the planet a better place?

Also how do you keep from overwhelming yourself with all the issues you want to tackle, but realistically can't at the moment?

I would love some input from you guys, because right know I am a bit overwhelmed and discouraged...




  1. Aaaaw!  Poor environmentalist.  No one is cooperating to help save the planet.  Maybe in about five or six hundred years someone will figure out how to do it.  Oh wait  we will all be "GONE" by then.....

  2. become a big bother or sister to a child, make a difference in a persons life. quit worrying about the whole planet

  3. I'm not sure there is an easy answer, but this is what I do...

    - Understand that you are going to face resistance. A lot of people, rather then trying to become informed, latch on to "cool" and "popular" ideas and don't like having scientific evidence thrown in their faces. A lot of people like to belch out  theories without backing themselves up with facts.

    - Acknowledge that you can't do everything, and even small steps towards more sustainable living are better than what most people are doing.

    -Do something that you can witness the fruits of your labor - volunteer yourself to clean up trash, help plant a few trees, or help with your local environmental groups.

    - Keep learning and discuss and debate what you've learned with others. You will learn more about yourself and feel better when your life starts to make more sense and isn't so focused on the material lifestyle that is continually marketed to us.

  4. I know exactly how you feel. There's so much to do out there, but just not enough time, or it's just unrealistic for you to tackle.

    So I just try to do every little thing I can do to help. I find websites online to go help but just clicking a button. And just stick to the basics, like reducing, reusing, and recycling. You know, clean up things on the side of the road, and if you see somone about to throw something away, ask them to recycle it.

    Yeah, it sucks. But it's what we have to work with.

  5. uplifting article;

    From Overwhelm To Engagement

    best for me is having a good old moan with like minded people, online usually now, i am being extremely tight with the transport and my right on mates live a way away.

    nice bunch here;

    i just started posting here;

    or hide in the garden til i feel better....

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