
Fellow Homeschooling parents?

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Why do you homeschool? Is is because of academic reasons? Religious reasons? Negative social reasons? Any others?




  1. We started out for academic reasons and now we do it for the lifestyle.   We love homeschooling and the freedom it allows us.  

    All the other reaons people give are great side benefits.  :)

  2. Public schooling here on the island isn't that good.  Teachers are not motivated, we often lack materials or the schools are vandalized.  Right now there is a teacher's union that is on strike, so many kids aren't going to school.

    I am homeschool ONE of my boys because we cannot afford to have both in private school.  Once the eldest graduates, we'll be able to afford it.  Homeschooling was the best option.  He is learning more, even, that his friends do at the private school.  I like that he gets a Bible class, too.

    Hope this helps!

    A Homeschooling mother in Puerto Rico

  3. I've answered this several times.  This question comes up once or twice a week.

    Our main reason for HS'ing our son is that he's profoundly gifted and no B&M school setting will work for him.  The public schools (we've HS'ed in two states) support our educational placement because there is nothing they can do to accomodate him.

    We enjoy being able to pick curriculum based on his learning style, letting him zoom ahead in some courses, letting him do a ton of independent study, and letting him be "socialized" by people of all ages.  He usually can't stand to be around PS kids his same age.  They remind him of "Lord of the Flies".

  4. I've written long answers to this question before, but here is the short one.

    Academic- yes.

    Religious- yes.

    Negative Social reasons - yes.

    Also, wanting to see my kids be treated with respect, and experience joy in learning.

  5. When we began... it was for all of the reason you mention plus many more.

    As we continued... it was because it works!  And it is a wonderful way to get an education.  It keeps the family together.  We could go places and do things that we otherwise would not have done.

    As we finished... it is because Home School was our God given job!

  6. most parents home because of accidimic reasons (at my school espically)

  7. Well i am answering for my moM! My Bro is slower and needs extra help and I STINK at math ! Also Religious reasons and cause theteacheres at my school were stinky!

  8. Yes.  Yes.  Yes. Yes (less time spent on school).  I love the fact that I can work Bible study into my daily lesson.

  9. We homeschool because our daughter was physically and psychologically abused by a teacher for two years at one school and then almost choked to death by a student at another school.

  10. We had two main reasons to choose homeschooling for our daughter (followed up by our son):

    1) negative social concerns (we're both public school teachers)

    2) academics

    Continuing to homeschool has other reasons: we love the freedom, the chance they have to spend lots of time playing and following interests, a less stressful lifestyle, lots of time together and more.

  11. We homeschool because our son did not learn in school.  He learns better in small groups and with one on one instructions.  Rather than pay a tutor to work with him after school, we decided we would use the method that works best for him for his schooling.  He now learns.  We know what he learns and can help him on things that he needs extra help and we let him fly through the things that come easy for him

  12. All of the above:

    We don't believe that our local school can provide

    1) an atmosphere supportive of our religion, moral convictions and culture

    2) a safe environment


    3) a high-quality education.

    That's why we homeschool.

  13. I home school and I love it. I can spend more time with my mom, I am not worried about shootings, you get less homework, the public schools here stink, my schedule is flexible... shall I go on.

  14. I personally homeschool because I think schools are outdated in their methods.  US students lag far behind other wealthy nations.

    I also think the school social scene and peer pressure force kids to conform, that they can't be true to themselves because others may think their interests are stupid or corny etc.

    I also think school administrations lack common sense and treat our young adults (especially) like immature morons, and no wonder they act the way they do (generalization, I know).

  15. A little bit of all of it.

  16. I homeschool my 9 yr daughter because the school would not help her wiht learning problems. She was in ps K-2 and I fought all those years. The school violated federal laws, was intimidating and hostile to me, all with the knowledge and approval of the GA dept of education.

    When we started homeschool her teacher said 'I'm so sorry, the administrators just would not let me help your child'.

  17. We homeschool for academic, health, and social reasons.  The religious benefits are icing on the cake :-)

    Basically, our school system is mediocre, my son has learning and health needs that can't be met in a standard classroom (and we've yet to find a teacher in our area that will take on a highly gifted, dyslexic, auditory/kinesthetic Energizer Bunny of a boy); the kids in our local schools, though the schools are considered to be some of the best in the area, are left by many of their parents to be raised by the schools - which doesn't often result in a great social structure.  My son came home from a birthday party a few years ago with many of the kids he'd be in ps with, and his first comment was, "If I ever act like that, ground me quick."

    It is nice to be able to allow him to study many different worldviews as he becomes interested in them, rather than restricting him to what the lesson plan, district, and state will allow him to study.  I would teach him our religious views at home anyway, but it is nice to be able to answer those questions whenever they come up - and in any context - rather than just answering them outside of "school time".

    Outside of that, we homeschool because it's the environment in which my son learns the best, plain and simple :-)

    Good question!

  18. not a parent...

  19. Mom and I are homeschooling/unschooling for academic reasons.

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