
Fellow Jew: don't you find it annoying when the Christians say that we Jews "misinterpret" OUR own scripture?

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Fellow Jew: don't you find it annoying when the Christians say that we Jews "misinterpret" OUR own scripture?




  1. Hello,

    Well I'm a Christian and find that most Jews I know are really sharp on their scriptures, religion and culture and many can read their scriptures in Hebrew. I do not wish to cross swords with them on that!


    Michael Kelly

  2. Who you calling a jew ?

  3. The Christians also claim that scientists "misinterpret" nature as well.

  4. Is it completely out of the realm of possibility that you might be?

    Are you insinuating that a Gentile can't come to God by reading scripture? Does God not reveal Himself to those who seek Him?

    Not picking or poking, just asking..

  5. Which interpretation do you believe in? If you are using the Talmud/Mishnah, which interpretation is the right one?

  6. I find it annoying and I am NOT a Jew.  I also find it annoying when Christians use NT theology to understand OT.  Sometimes they don't even consider the context.  One example of many is when they say that the "us" passages in Genesis is a reference to the trinity!  

  7. You don't think it's possible?  People disagree about scripture interpretation all the time.

    Not that it matters, scripture has never made any sense to me.

    I'm Atheist!

  8. Being how the Jews wrote it, I doubt THEY would be the ones to misinterpret.

  9. Christians are mostly annoying by nature. There "knowledge" comes from what they have been told and rarely from reading.

  10. touché

  11. Not exactly an answer to your question, but I just wanted to apologize if my previous answered post (the one you replied to) offended you, and thank you for some corrected misconceptions.

  12. I love the deli lifestyle!

    Christians always hate those who are different.

    Church is the most segregated establishment that exists.

    I hate Religion.

    It divides and kills.

  13. Annoying does not even begin to describe how I feel about this. The one good thing is that it prompted me to take a closer look at their scriptures which very few Christians really understand. I'm amazed how many Christians actually believe that the Gospels were written by the apostles and that Matthew was the first book actually written. They have little knowledge that the gospels were written by different writers in different locations for different audiences with different needs. Each writer had his own theological point to get over hence the change of emphasis and the various discrepancies.

    In the end if Christians were to accept just the NT as their scripture that would be fine but they keep trying to legitimise their wild claims regarding Hebrew Scripture prophecies which have absolutely NOTHING to do with Jesus.

  14. Ya'll slept right through your Messiah's appearance here on earth.  And now you still ignore Him.  There was John the Baptist and then 2000+ years and no prophets for you?  Thats odd.

  15. Non-Jewish Agnostic here.

    That would be horribly annoying.  Having your book of ancient superstitious nonsense stolen by another religion, heavily edited, redacted, added onto, and then quoted back to you by a bunch of goyim...

  16. Im a Christian, and even I get this from other Christians.

    Keep in mind that for people who dont have open minds, any belief they don't agree with must be a "misinterpretation."

    Also, somebody who is reading the Torah or OT from a Christian perspective will naturally interpret things differently than a Jewish person reading the same thing. Also, anybody who grew up in a Jewish culture will have a deeper understanding of some of the things mentioned in the OT.

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