
Fellow Republicans: I'm Glad the Dems are shaking in their boots now, aren't you?

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Palin has already made Obama and Biden look like a couple of kindergarten dolts. I can't wait to see what else this fabulous woman has up her sleeve.




  1. yes, I've been smiling all day :)

  2. LOL! Who's swilling the Kool-Aide now?

  3. I really hope this can push McCain over the top the dems were crazy to make their choices between hillary and obama especially obama he is the worst possible candidate they could have ever nominated just goes to show liberals are idiots

  4. You fail. Palin hasn't even put a scratch on either candidate. She has the oratorical abilities of a stump.

  5. LOL - yes, they're obviously getting nervous!  What gets me are the dem's who say he picked her because he's getting desperate, as if he's not picking her based on her stand on the issues.

  6. I love it, finally a reason to vote for McCain. I have needed to find a reason this whole election season. He finally did it for me.

  7. loving every minute of it.  I actually jumped for joy today... something I've never, ever done in my life!!

    For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country (Kidding)

  8. As am I!! I am so excited to see what happens!

  9. Have you actually spoken to any democrats?

    I am being really honest Democrat I know is any more concerned now that Palin is on the ticket.  She isn't much of a threat.  

  10. Get real, McCain just lost the election.  You think that just because you stick a pair of b***s on the ticket that gets the female vote?

  11. Sorry, We're not scared at all,I don't know where you people get this c**p..I'm actually thrilled because she will crushed in a debate with Biden.Thanks!

  12. Truthfully, when I first got up this morning I heard it was confirmed that Romney was not the VP pick. I was not a happy camper. I was afraid he was going to pick Ridge or worse. But when the announcement was made I was ecstatic!!! It was absolutely brilliant, the pick and the timing. McCain blew Obama right off the front pages!!! Best political/chess move I have seen in a long time.

  13. I was angry when it was not Romney. Thinking it was a stupid move. But after the speech and looking at her record I am impressed.

    The media is all ready trying to discredit her. Liberals are funny when they don't get their way.  

  14. You live and die by the sword.  They are scared because of McCain's choice of a woman as VP.  Their card was played against them, plus she is an accomplished woman without being given her position by her party.  Admit it people.  Hillary has been given everything by her party to this date.  They have also taken a lot from her recently as well.  I'm not saying that she is not intelligent, but I'm saying she is where is is today because she has done exactly what her party wanted.  At least Palin took on her own party in Alaska and made change for the better.  Isn't this is what the election is all about.

  15. LOVE IT! Have you noticed that the questions on this forum have changed from All Obama All the Time to McCain/Palin? What happened to the traditional "Bump" from the primary?

    McCain/Palin '08

  16. Hardly.  This was a cynical, transparent, calculated move to try and capture all the PUMAs and disgruntled women that supported Hilary.  This woman's sum total of "executive experience" is 20 months of governing a state with a population less than half that of the city of Chicago - and she's a heartbeat away from the Oval Office?  Give me a break.  

    As far as Obama's choice of Biden, he's following in the tradition of JFK and his pick of Johnson.  McCain, on the other hand, is placating the extreme right wing of his party by following in the tradition of Nixon & Agnew and Bush & Quayle. Nice.

    As an American, my greatest disappointment is that McCain chose her solely on her strategic value.  He is NOT putting our country first.  His most important objective is to win at any cost.

  17. Dems are definitely not shaking in their boots...

    McCain is a complete idiot. His whole campaign is about experience, and Palin has less than 2 years of it. Hasn't that been his entire message against Barack? If any Hillary supporters are stupid enough to vote for McCain now just because he's chosen a woman VP, and not see that she is the complete opposite of Hillary, then they deserve a stupid president.

    I mean, can you honestly see Sarah Palin, former beauty pageant queen and soccer mom, talking foreign policy with Vladimir Putin? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for women's rights, but she is NOT qualified at all to be president (I supported HIllary, who IS qualified).

    Obama just won.

  18. LMAO!!!!  You've got to be kidding.  Palin is a disaster.  Only 20 months as governor as a small population state and already under investigation for wrongdoing.  I guess experience really doesn't matter because she has less than Obama.  McCain must be going senile for real.  

  19. my favorite was watching the clip of Obama's reaction to it (w/ Biden in the background)

    Obama was like... a ...uh....great candidate.....with a story...uh...duh....der....duh....

    where is  my teleprompter!

    He looked tired and haggard and definitely seemed like the wind was knocked out of him...

    It's been a great day.

  20. Oprah staged Obama's freakshow in Denver and here comes McCain and dumps all over poor Barak Hussein's party with an excellent choice for VP.  Biden is a broken record and a worn out tire.  That's not change, that's typical liberal Democrat politics.

  21. are you kidding? What a lame pick for Mccains old old 72 years old @ss! He dies and now we are stuck with Palin S****y @ss can you really trust a woman with NO experience to run our whole country if Old f**t dies?   You guys have no clue

    Best move ever? Why is he trying to go for change? Umm sounds like hes trying to be like OBAMA to me.  Face it McCain is NOT going to win this race bottom line, there is a army of supporters ppl cannot not WAIT to see a CHANGE.  His VP pick was a desperate attempt at this race, its obivous he cares more about winning the race then our country.  Hasnt he thought.. Wait if I die, Palin will be our president? You folks have no clue, you just wait and see how Biden rips Palin a new hole at the debate!!!!!

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