
Fellow Wii-owners, what console are you buying next?

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For me, it's a 360.

The Wii satisfies my gaming needs..

But sometimes everyone has to "killz dem noobzz" on Halo.

What about you?

What console do you think best compliments your Wii?

With a Wii and 360, I think I'll be missing out on very little this generation.




  1. The only consoles I prefer to play is ones made by Nintendo. I'm open to other consoles, but I much prefer Nintendo. So, the next console I will buy is the latest Nintendo model.

    However, if I had the money, I would get a 360.

  2. With the Blue-Ray and the graphics of the games the Ps3 is the winner, I love Rachet and Clank, and I think it's full of possibilities with a 60 gigabyte disc. Just amazing, I played ps3 for the first time, I think they are cheating themselves for charging only $399.

    If only old Ps2 games worked that would be incredible, or at least have an online download database like the Wii

    Wii has won the online wars with Virtual Console, and Wii-Ware.

    If only Wii VC games were released more frequently and they just bypassed all these crappy games.

  3. Im going for a PS3. I currently own a PS2, and I would rather get the sequels their franchises then miss out. I have to see the rest of the story for God of War and Metal Gear Solid, as well as others.

  4. id buy a ps3 u noe wy? well cuz the xbox wears out after a year.(death ring on the pwer button)

  5. Xbox360, I think that the wii&360 is the perfect combination.

    It'll take me some time to get the money though!

    So I might wait till May '09 and then I can get if for my graduation :)

  6. an xbox 360 would best compliment the wii, the xbox 360 will be coming out with a motion stick (wiimote) soon enough, the graphics are also similar and use the same wifi connection. i have both and love them together! i personally own an elite, while a little faster and better graphics it isn't worth the extra $100

  7. Im getting a ps3. good graphics, free and great online, good games, and wifi. Wii satisfies some of my gaming needs. but sometimes i just want to snipe people then rub it in their faces on call of duty 4

  8. Ps3

    The 360 is well rounded (no pun intended) and makes for a great stand alone console.

    I just can't stand missing out on such titles as Metal Gear Solid, Resistance and Gran Turismo if I get myself a 360

  9. I'd personally go with a sega genesis.

  10. PS3 and Xbox 360 are a tough chose.

    I perferably like 360 better.

  11. 360 because of tales of versperia and banjo

  12. I must say I still don't know I'll probably on of the both in my birthday or christmas right now I'm looking at the ps3 but still undecided.

  13. Xbox 360. I hope to get one next week.

  14. I have no idea. I only want a PS3 just because of tekkan, soul caliber and final fantasy 13 versus&&RE5..but I want a xbox 360 too.  But then on the other hand, playing online is free on PS3. Whootwhoot :]

  15. We own, a Wii, PS3,PS2, xbox 360, xbox, PSP, DS Lite

    Now, 360 is good for halo, and i love lego indiana jones... loveeee it!

    I dont like ps3 too much.... i feel its just the same as ps2.

  16. Honestly, the only non-Nintendo "next gen" games that I want to play are Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect. All the other games I'm interested in are available for the Wii. I'd rather pwn n00bs in a PC FPS like Team Fortress 2; I really can't stand most console FPSs.

    I'm looking for a cheap, functional PS2 right now. I haven't played a Final Fantasy since FFVI (if you don't count Crystal Chronicles), and I'm dying to play Dragon Quest VIII. I'd also like to track down a reasonably-priced copy of Symphony of the Night, but we'll see how that goes.

  17. The next nintendo one of course, i have a wii and a DS and my dad bought the 360 so unless i run into a cheap snes its the wii2 for me.

  18. ILL go with the ps3 i heard so much out of it and the graphics and wii lacks that in some games..

  19. I don't know, I won't be buying an Xbox 360 for sure, but my friend is letting me borrow his Wii for a month ( starting today, yea, seriously). So I'm gonna try out the Wii.

    I chose the PS3 because it satisfied my gaming needs, not because I have a blind allegiance with Sony, but because the PS3 is fun.

    There's no "better" console, it's just what you want and what satisfies your gaming needs, which the PS3 does for me.

    To answer your question, I'll probably get the PS4 when it comes out :)

  20. PS3 once I've made enough money.

  21. hmm well i was looking at the psp but other then the handhelds im prop gonna get a ps3.

  22. I've got a gaming PC and a Wii and don't need anything else.  They compliment each other perfectly.  You have the Wii for awesome singleplayer adventures and local multiplayer games and the PC for FPS, RTS, and MMOs.  PC also fills in where the Wii lacks (online, graphics).   You also get almost all of the Xbox 360's good games with better controls and better graphics.  PC also has mods.

    The next console I will be buying is whatever Nintendo comes out with next.

  23. i'm very happy to say that i am done buying consoles for this generation. this generation has brought on so many conflicts and the console war is stronger than ever.

    3 days ago i bought a ps3 (just as good as a xbox, so i'm just stating that fanboys should shut up about which console is best)

    i simply just chose a ps3 because i like my ps2 so i have  faith in sony. and i have to admit i'm completely satisfied with my ps3.

    so now i have a wii and a ps3. i will play my ps3 most of the time, i enjoy the goryness and realisticness in my gaming, but once in a while you have to play more of a great relaxing game like zelda. maybe do some fishing and bug collecting. or maybe play some smash. people shouldn't limit themselves to one genre of gaming. and if you want a complete variety of these different genre's, you need both a wii and either a 360 or ps3. so now i can sit back, relax, and play both my wii and ps3 happily.

    go enjoy your xbox 360, you will be very happy

    EDIT: i forgot to even answer your question after i was finished with my rant. well the next console i'm buying is a ps4. but that could always change :)

  24. sony fanboys are stupid but I think I might get a ps3 is does look better than the xbox 360 and it has blu ray

  25. I really don't care about the 360. It is just a little computer box. I rather get something from Nintendo.

  26. I can't afford anything right now.  $40 bucks, tough luck.

    But if I could, I'd get a 360 and Nintendo's next consoles, of course.  The 360 will satisfy my online gaming thirst.

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