Hoe do you deal with family members, when you tell them about your atheism for the first time!!
My sister visited me this week-end, and I finally told her that I was an atheist( I have only been one for two years).
Anyway>. she sat there looking at me. dumbfounded, and said ''But, you can't be, that isn't right!!
I said, ''Why not''?
''Because god exists, and jesus dies for our sins''! she said humbly
''That's what we were TAUGHT'! I said
'because that is what THEY believed! she threw back at me
'Well, I don't believe that nonsense anymore'!
'Well, that isn't all of it, there is more''! she replied
'What? I said
She said, '''Well look outside''!
I said, ''There is not one thing in the whole world, that has not evolved from one thing into something else''!
She folded her arms, and looked at me angrily, and said, ''I did NOT come from no fricking monkey!!
It was all I could do not to come undone laughing, and she got up, and stalked off into the bedroom.
Maybe I could have handled it better? but, where do they GET this stuff from!
How are we supposed to deal with family members who act like this??
Is this going to get easier?, or harder! I think I have decided to leave my other sister in the dark!
It is 2008, and we are living in enlightened times, are we not??
I felt like I took a fast trip back to the Dark ages!
Why does this have to be so hard???