
Fellow atheists: would certain believers write more literate questions ...?

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... if schools still taught sentence diagramming?;_ylt=AulHCTJwOf8se5cRSB2Fch_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080829123448AAjsHHs&show=7#profile-info-sSKfyUypaa




  1. I hated sentence diagramming, but now I am glad that I learned it.


  2. Uh, I'm pretty sure he's an atheist and making fun of Christians. ;)

    I've seen him around before, he types fine.  

  3. If they continue to depend on their imaginary God, then probably not.

  4. The same holds true for atheists;...

  5. It was not a serious question; it was an atheist mocking Christians. From Zen III's profile "I'm a 19-year-old atheist, centrist college student."

  6. Apparently smarter then you, had you had taken a minute to read their profile you would have seen they were joking....... oh yes, they are also ATHEIST.......So you are making fun of one of your own.   Now that is hilarious......  LOL

    Zen III

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    Member since: March 20, 2007

    Zen III

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    Best answer

    About me: Once again, my profile was deleted by a certain group of people who tend to forcefully disagree with my answers, but their efforts are futile because I'm back again.

    I'm a 19-year-old atheist, centrist college student. I openly invite you to share your views with me via Yahoo IM, or by email.

  7. By their standards, it's sheer Shakespearean genius!

  8. gave away your age there...hated sentence diagramming!!

  9. Sorry, I'm not a fellow atheist, but I have to admit I don't know what sentence diagramming is. Maybe I wasn't taught that, maybe I forgot... either way, I think my questions and answers are fine without it.

  10. lol

  11. Sigh, writing a sentence and having faith that it will be understood in the context with which it was intended once again relies upon having faith instead of understanding.

    Sad that.

  12. Your question should be, "would certain atheists write more literate questions if schools still taught sentence diagramming?" since the author of that question is an atheist.;_ylt...

    I gave you a star so my contacts can see what a stereotyping bigot you are for assuming that question came from a believer.

  13. Oh my I am not an atheist but now I have a headache from trying to decipher that.

  14. LOL!!!  That question cracked me up!!

    Schools don't even teach 'sounding out' a word to spell it, I cannot imagine why not.  Consequently my son has a problem with spelling.  Nor can he write in cursive.  Students get cursive for about a month and then they are never required to use it.

    Yes, coffee_pot12, I am certainly no spring chicken.

  15. LOL.

    Wow..just wow.  

  16. ROFL...that person you're mocking IS an Atheist.  Check out her profile.

    Maybe she can teach you how to read.

  17. Here you go, sentence diagramming from the same hypocrite:;...

  18. yes of course.

  19. Me no certain. Me publik schooled.

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