
Fellow conservatives... ashamed of Conservapedia?

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Like moderate Muslims, shocked and apalled by the fundamentalist Jihadists, like moderate Christians, ashamed of the "God hates F*gs" people, like moderate liberals ashamed of the completely pot-fried nudist advocates for lowering the age of consent to twelve... I, a moderate conservative, had the misfortune of visiting Conservapedia.

It makes Pat Robertson look like a reasonable, rational man. I am surprised the entry for "homosexual" doesn't include a picture of Satan jamming a pitchfork in one, atop a pile of unwed mothers.

Seriously, though; if we can't set aside certain differences and disavow any connection to radical, militant extremists among us, then we will continue to become polarized and divided as a society.

So, liberals? Anyone or anything you're particularly ashamed of? Certainly you have your equivalent of Ann Coulter somewhere. Feel free to distance yourselves from the wingnuts here. Only a moderate coalition can overcome the partisan mess we're in.




  1. As a Liberal, I'd favor the following statement:

    "Extremes to the right and left of any political dispute are always wrong."

    —Dwight D. Eisenhower

  2. I dont worry about fringe elements

  3. Not a huge fan or Rosie. Don't have any time for conspiracy theorists who think Cheney organised 9/11. Don't agree with those who want to reintroduce the fairness doctrine. Couldn't give a d**n who Sean Penn visits on holidays but resent the implication he speaks for everyone in the US to the left of Dubya while he is there.

  4. I'm not entirely sure I can think of anyone off the top of my head who I would disown on the "liberal side." Maybe Carrot Top? jk I don't even know what his politics are or if he's a "liberal."

  5. I like grapes.

  6. The God hates F@gs group is thirty members of some off the wall cult it isn't in the mainstream by any means. I'm ashamed for the cult members

    not of being a Conservative

    list of people liberals should be ashamed of is the Hollywood phone listing and every do nothing Demoncrap in the congress and senate

  7. You are correct but Ann Coulter has always made sense though she can be obnoxious.  Don't go too far in saying that only "bipartisanship" and "compromise" are the answers.  Those words equal giving up on your beliefs to Liberals and when you show an ounce of defeatism, they take it as a sign to attack.

  8. I can't point a finger at one specific individual but I can say there are certain policies and issues that radical liberals stand behind. I would like to see all illegal immigration stopped because of it's obvious drain on our economy, but a radical liberal will only see the human rights side...I think that there are some aspects of eavesdropping without authorization as a way to weed out threats to our nation, but radical liberals would see it as abusing our first amendment rights...I agree with you that there is never a black and white issue with anything far as a liberal Ann Coulter?...I can't think of anyone who comes close to Ann...she is in a (no)class by herself...

  9. I commend you on your reasonable views.  There should be more sane people who speak up.  I can't think of anyone I would call the liberal version of Ann Coulter.  I am sometimes disappointed in the relativistic leanings of certain groups (NAACP, ACLU etc.) that are viewed as liberal.  I sometimes shudder at the blatant unfairness spouted by Keith Olberman, although I still agree with him a lot of the time.  I don't mean to duck the question, but for me it's the individual statements and stances that I sometimes distance myself from.  Not so much any one person.  Although, there's plenty of shallow rah rah liberals on this site that I am ashamed of.

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