
Fellow race enthusiasts - could I give you my points on here?

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I am getting a bit pigged off with Y/A and am serioulsy considering packing it in. If I do so, could I give my points to any of you guys who at least come into the race section now and then? I may hang around a while but there is little action in either the racing or motorcycle section these days and as for the rest - what a load of nonsense - celebrity, WWE, racist rantings etc. Time is precious and maybe I should go find a place where I can ask and answer some bike questions or get involved in a real discussion with like minded folks. There are some of you who come here to the racing that do get involved in great questions and answers but there are not too many of us. So if you know if there is some way to allow me to distribute my meagre points then I would think about it and then bow out!




  1. I agree with Cheryl H. Stay on Y/A. I know it can be pretty annoying, with some really moronic questions and answers posted in the wrong sections etc. But the few decent discussions that do go on, make up for it.

    I just ignore the dross. Actually, I've been really impressed with the the answers that I've received for the few questions that I've asked recently.

    If you want to look elsewhere, take a look at "Kropotkin thinks". Its an excellent blog, totally committed to Moto GP. Its well written, and the posts that are put on from its readers all seem like well thought out mature discussion.

  2. i don't come into this section too often but when i do i enjoy the banter so same as the others(sad ain't we) pls don't go its always made me smile with you being here .

    i may not always add my comments to your answers/questions but i always have a smile on my face after reading your stuff. ignore the others stay and lets have fun i am a speedway enthusiast and my sport doesn't get much on here but i always check just stay and it will wind up the Pratt's that want you too go happy Christmas and an even happier new year to you and yours keep-coming back and lets have fun.

    PS keep your points you earned them

  3. Shuggie! Don't bail on us! I know the Retards out in full force during the silly seasons.But, that will pass. Some of the people that post on "Motorcycle Racing" the un-related racing questions....(example): "Jessica C" always post questions on here and she knows that there is a regular "Motorcycle" section because we are Racer's, Been in Racing or Race Enthusiast, So she has alot of trust in our answers.

    As for the rest of the A S S  Clowns! I love taking my anger out on them and putting them in their place when they try to be a "Keyboard Tough Guy".

    What I'm trying to say is, And "Wiggysan" does not even know this yet is.... I just made you(Shuggie) and Wiggysan part of the secret team..... The "Bald Man Mulisha"..... Damit! Now everyone knows! Oh Well, This is just an example why you drink Red Bull and Vodka while online.

    Cheers!!!!     Merry X-Mas

  4. Hey Shuggie,

    As the above (real) people said - it's silly season, wait till the racing starts up and then decide, you say you're out in the Czech rep. so this may be one of the few places you will hear your mother tongue (well - I'm half Scottish)  "spoken" and all the delights of colloquial English - such as "what a spanner"  "the dog's bollocks" and "this section has more c**p in it than a cows got cun....ning relatives"

    Thanks for the points offer - I don't want or need them, when the h**l am I gonna ask 800 questions? Although you have inspired me to ask another, watch this space.

  5. Yahoo!Answers used to be a bit more fun... I guess when the races were over it all got boring. But leaving the forum will only make it worse for the people here who actually enjoy reading a normal racing question and answering it. We (it would be more appropriate to say 'they' as I spend less and less time around here... you can guess why) need you here.

    As for the points... I don't think it is possible :) Sorry, you'll just have to keep them!

    Merry Christmas! Don't give up on Y!A yet! There is time for a Christmas miracle :)

  6. It's up to you if you want to go or not. No-one's forcing you to stay

    Edit: hahaha. Very funny...Not!

  7. That would be a shame because I enjoy both your questions and your answers.

    Keep the points, maybe things will get interesting when race season starts again??

  8. No Shuggie, dont leave as  there are only a few fans on Y/A and if you ignore the cr ap, we do have a good discussion. I have been on and I dont even bother posting on it now. I havent found a decent place to post my views and questions apart from here (best of a bad bunch really!) Just ignore  the rants etc and keep posting the great racing questions and answers! Have a very Merry Christmas and only 10 weeks to Qatar! :)

  9. Dude I know how you feel.

    When Y/A banned me for trying to help them and make this forum a better place for Motorcycle Racing, all I got was SHlT for doing it.

    At one point I though of packing it in, but then I thought why should I ?

    I enjoy dealing with the real people like yourself, Barry M , SWT , Dingo, Cheryl H, 51, Neil GTI and so many other good guys out there. So why should I not keep going?

    There are so many dumb nuts on these pages, that it is very hard to get real racing questions.

    It has been suggested to them that if they have Mod's [ like on regular forums ] that the pages could be cleaned up and peoples questions can be re-direced to a better section as to achive better results.

    Y/A just snubbed the whole idea.

    Also, the trouble is, it's the off season.

    All the clowns come out to play this time of year.

    Keep your chin up old lad, the RACING will start soon !!

  10. I'm not sure but you can give me 10 points :P

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