
Fellow republicans: would voting for obama be actually better in the long run?

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should we let them have obama just to prove them wrong? and then in four years maybe there will be a reagan to clean everything up again.

this is a question... not a statement. do you think that's a good idea or a bad idea? i can't vote til next election either way.




  1. I think that's along the lines of "cutting off your nose to spite your face".

  2. That's a good idea.  Let's give them just what they deserve!

  3. fine, I guess I'll vote for Obama

  4. NO!  That is clouded judgment my friend.  Obama and Biden as President and Vice President would be a change to record levels of moral decay and higher taxes.  They would pass laws that would lead to the further destruction of families and children.  It would lead to levels of moral decay that are equivalent to what you currently see in Amsterdam and Paris.  

    No one would ever be able to clean up the havoc and treachery that they would leave in their wake.  

  5. Sounds like U have been listening to Rush again

  6. Not NO ... H E L L .. N O ! ! ! !

    I have REAL doubts about you being a Republican !!

    Alaska Govermor Sarah Palin has MORE TOTAL political experience than the Socialist / Communist / Liberal / Marxist / ANTI-American Democratic Presidential Nominee !!


    I have NO problem voting for an African American or a woman or any other minorty as long as they are the BEST PERSON for the position !!!

    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is NOT the BEST person to be OUR President of THE United States of America !!


    To me, Junior U.S. Senator Obama just came out of nowhere !!

    The more that I heard, the more that I knew that he would NOT be the BEST person to be THE President of THE United States of America !!

    America SHOULD feel unsafe about the possibility of JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama in the White House !!

    IF .. JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama can get his Global Poverty Act (SB S.2433) passed ... HE WILL be giving up America's sovereignty to the United Nations !! ... And .. in doing so ... THEY will be trying to re-write our 2nd Amendment !!


    MOST ... JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama Supporters do NOT care about his ideals and policies ... they JUST WANT AN AFRICAN AMERICAN as President !!!


    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama is ANTI-American.

    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama wants to END WORLD POVERTY on ... OUR NICKEL AND SURRENDER THE United States ... to THE United Nations.


    Please, search the ...

    Global Poverty Act (S.2433), ... and it is being sponsored by none other than JUNIOR U. S. Senator Barack Obama.


    JUNIOR U. S. Senator Obama did NOT complete his FIRST term in office !!

    ... with just 143 days of ACTUAL experience

    ... HE decided

    ... that he DESERVED to be THE President of THE United States of America !!!


    JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Unions, and the Democrats are sending messages to big business to downsize in America and send more jobs to foreign countries.

    Brilliant ideas from JUNIOR U.S. Senator Obama, the Democrats and the Unions (SARCASM) !!!!


  7. No, he will use the typical BS excuse that he was left such a mess it will take more than 4 years to fix and many idiots will believe that just like they believe he is going to change things even though he never says what he plans to change.

  8. You give them too much credit. Do you really think they will figure it out?They will blame all of Obamas problems and mistakes on the republicans and Bush.So they will not take credit for failure,only success.

  9. Is this the conservatives way of dodging the sting of defeat? You had eight years to do some good and you ran this country into the ground with one of the worst Presidents in US History. Congratulations, your credibility is lost.

  10. As Palin campaigned unsuccessfully in 2002 to become lieutenant governor, she received contributions from executives at VECO Corp., a powerful Alaska oil field services company. Company founder Bill Allen has admitted the company steers its donations through a "special bonus program" in which executives received money and the company instructed them to donate it to favored politicians.

    Allen pleaded guilty to bribery and corruption charges. He admitted the program violated federal tax laws and said it was used to keep his political allies flush with cash

  11. Um let's think, what's the point of doing damage to prove our point? Elections aren't a contest or a game to test our limits. If we have a good option, we should use it, not to try to prove the other side wrong (even thought they are)

  12. No, because if Barack Obama is elected we'll be lucky to be here and alive in four years...

  13. You're right in theory. It would be like Carter again with Reagan cleaning house.

  14. the problem is if obama gets in..and thats a BIG "if"....i fear there will be no long run...

    this is the most radical man to ever run for federal office

  15. I don't think that's a good way to think - you should always vote - #1 - and you should always vote for the person that you feel is best for your country.  Using an election to "prove them wrong" is an abuse of our wonderful gift.  I think it's great that you are in touch with what's going on - and there's no better feeling than when you vote for the first time!

    McCain / Palin '08  

  16. I was thinking that until Palin. I wasn't going to vote for McCain (I was going to vote for Bob Barr in a protest vote). Palin has got me so fired up I can't wait to vote. She, and her brand of conservatism has given me hope for the future.

  17. Yes, let do it!

  18. Very bad idea.  

  19. No, that would be like giving all of your worldly possession to a thief; before he robbed you.

  20. can't afford to.

    he'll relinquish control of the US to the UN

  21. It doesn't work like that. They cant admit when they are wrong.  The media praises them no matter what happens.  Youd think it was god as president.

  22. Great idea

  23. Yes.  Thanks for the great idea.  I will vote Democrat just this one little time.

  24. No because he can do too much damage by appointing liberal judges.

  25. Sounds good but I am not sure I can go through of 4 years of kool aid politics from the liberal Dems.  

  26. Yes!

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