
Fellow <span title="runners................Help?">runners................He...</span>

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Hi there all I am 27 male and I have recently moved to UK. I recently also took up running in the evenings or mornings, though not on regular basis but 3-4 times a week. Off late I have realised some pain on the sides of my shin bones. It pains as if the pain is deep in the bones.

Please help as I am scared it may have something to do with osteoporosis..............?

Or just a scary thot......................

please help and note that I have always had habit of walking about 5-6 kms a day..................

Many thanks




  1. just so you know,

    shin splints refers to a variety of shin problems

    it basically just stands for &quot;pain in the shin&quot;

    so essentially, yes, you have &quot;shin splints&quot;

    be careful with this

    its great that you&#039;re trying to get in shape

    but starting strenuous activity

    after a period of only walking

    can cause serious problems

    this may be a possible cause for your pain

    you body is still adapting to your exercise

    if this is the case the problem should correct itself


    your pain may be cause by some other reason

    such as a stress fracture

    of inflammation

    there is really only one way to heal a stress fracture

    you have to stop almost all activity

    and allow it to completely heal

    before you do any sports again

    otherwise, it will continue to cause problems

    inflammations could be the result of poor stretching

    if your leg muscles are tight

    (specifically your calf)

    it will put undue stress on the shin bone

    causing inflammation and pain

    if this is the case you should ease up on heavy exercise

    (although you can continue w/ anything low-impact)

    until pain diminishes

    if you can train through it... do for it

    also, stretch in the morning and night

    as well as before and after exercise

    to keep your muslces stretched

    also, you can take an anti-inflamatory

    such as ibuprofin

    before and after exercise

    to reduce swelling and inflammation

    hopefully this helps!

    shin splints are tricky situations

    because there can be so many causes!

    if you&#039;re not sure about anything

    talk to a SPORTS doctor

    a typical doctor will tell you to stop running

    however, a SPORTS doctor

    will tell you how to maintain training

    while remaining as injury-free as possible

  2. hi! it might be your running shoes? or the ground you run happens to me too!

    try getting good running shoes...

    if it&#039;s really bad then go to the doctors!

  3. No,  probably just shin splints.  This oftens happens to new runners.  It can be caused by too much mileage too soon, insufficient stretching or muscle inbalance.  Rest, stretch make sure you have good running shoes and back off the mileage.

  4. well you might have a shin splint but i am not sure i am a runner too and you may want to just go to the doctor to get it checked out i wouldn&#039;t mess with it!  Because its on the side it might now be a shin splint but you can do this exersize stand on a stair or curb and just point and flex your feet so go up and down basically and you might want to run on a daily basis even if its for a few miles i hope this helped and oh yeah try streaching before and after you run and make sure you shoes are good

  5. get more supportive shoes your shins are tender because of the pounding of the hard surface

  6. First off, get yourself in good running shoes. And secondly this if very common. If your 27 and you walked in the past, it is not osteoporosis. When you jump start on running, your shins, ankles, and heels will ache. When I started running, my heels were so bad I could barely walk on them. The solution is to take a few days off or bike instead of run for awhile for your legs to catch up. Then you won&#039;t feel it again. You probably didn&#039;t feel that feeling when you walked because you aren&#039;t pounding the pavement as much as you do when you run. Hope it goes away, and it will. Good luck man.

  7. Sounds like shin splints! Ah, kept me out all of indoor season. No, it&#039;s not really serious, but mine didn&#039;t get better until i sat out. Every time i came back in early, i would get all messed up. Try taking a rest, it&#039;s really hard, but it&#039;s the only way to let them heal fully.

    Good luck

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