
Fellow teachers of tough middle school years?

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Do you bring supplies for your girls at school? I am a social worker as well as a s*x education teacher when that time of the year comes that they teach it. I alert all my students if they are ever caught unprepared to just come to my room. I have a cabinet in my room that I keep the supplies in.

Also, why can't some teachers just ingore PDAs. For example, I always get teachers sending boyfriends and girlfriends down to my office (social worker) because they were holding hands. I hate it because I am forced to inforce a rule I don't like. I can see kissing, even hugging (depending on the type), but not holding hands, or walking with arms around each other. What about you?




  1. I always keep supplies in my room.  It's common knowledge that if they need anything, the girls can come to me.  As the music teacher, I see the whole school and it helps to have the kids know just where to go.  I also always have band aids... it's amazing what you have to go through to get one at my school!

    I agree with you about the holding hands issue.  I'm in a private school, so absolutely NOTHING is allowed.  However, I don't see why holding hands should be an issue in a public school.  No kissing, though... it's just inappropriate for the school environment.  No problem with teaching kids where certain behaviors are appropriate and where they are not.

  2. I am a MS counselor. The other female counselor and I keep supplies for the girls in our offices. The sad thing is that we are supposed to be a full service school (federal funding for a clinic, SW, etc.), yet they only supply the school with a small amount of feminine products for the whole year. We went to the super market and spent $4!!!!! and that has lasted longer than what the school system supplies!

    Anyway... as for PDA's, I think as long as they are not making out in the hallways, the teachers should worry about more important things. For many of the couples, school may be the only place they even see each other at this age. Hand holding and a peck on the lips never hurt anyone!

  3. The issue of whether students should be allowed to hold hands would be something to discuss with your principal and staff.  Schools tend to be very conservative about that kind of thing, particularly since they are dealing with minors.  I think this is partly for historical reasons and partly because they are legally responsible for managing the behavior of the students.  It is generally easier just to say "keep your hands to yourself" than to say why this touching is OK and that touching is not.  I personally have noticed that younger teachers tend not to enforce these rules as much, since society's views have been changing over the decades.

  4. I choose the schools where I want to work based on discipline and effective learning/ environment...If the school is unnecessarily harsh on PDA's then I'm not there but if the school cracks down for good reason then I do it.

    Some teachers .. I can agree with ... some affections you just don't want to see..and you can't let some small infraction get by because then any infraction will have to be scrutinized...what's serious for one teacher is not for another.. so all of it must be snuffed out.

    The places I have worked are nice.. many of the parents have taught their kids not to do the huggie..kiss thing ...but there are a few that get a boyfriend have to be taught restraint...

    We try to set up a learning and g rated social environment...its distracting to have a couple showing affection during a time they should be listening, doing independent practice or class lessons.

    We are also a title  school.. the state pays for all requested supplies..

  5. im a private school teacher and all my  8th graders are hugging all the time most of the time im in on the hugs, the kissing part is not ok though... always have things for the girls they dont need to be made fun of.

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