
Fellow vegetarians -- do you eat gelatin and other slaughterhouse byprodcuts?

by  |  earlier

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not milk and eggs and that sort of thing. i mean stuff like gelatin and this is for the vegetarians, i assume that all vegans refrain from this.

i'm a vegetarian and i don't eat anything a creature had to die for, but i've heard some 'vegetarians' saying they eat gelatin. generally the ones who eat fish, too. but not always.




  1. i don't eat gelatin or any other simliar products. im a vegetarian and aiming to go vegan. i dont eat anything involving an animal, i gave up on dairy products but i've noticed i've become somewhat weaker... but thats not gonna stop me from being a vegetarian =)

  2. Nope, I do not eat any gelatin, I just think it's kind of gross to eat crushed animal bones or whatever they put in that x].  

  3. they haven't used animal bones in gelatin in years

  4. Thinking pink worked heart heart, Jello is a slaughter by-product...

    I am vegan and I don't eat gelatin.  A true vegetarian won't eat anything like gelatin unless they are not aware that it comes from dead animals.  They should do more research though because ignorance is no excuse.

  5. I only eat Jello. No animal bi products are in Jello.  

  6. i never did. well. toward the end before i went vegan i did eat it b/c i ate marsh mellows.. not good but i typically stayed away from it but now i don't eat it no matter what.

    taurine (From energy drinks) too could be slaughterhouse based. im not sure. its from animal bile, except in red bull they use the plant form and perhaps other energy drinks.

    just a heads up b/c i wouldnt have consumed that willingly before going vegan either except i just found out about it now.  

  7. I eat jello that doesn't have real gelatin in it. But not often.

  8. NO vegetarian eats slaughter byproducts.  Gelatin is a dead animal as surely as a pork chop is.  The Vegetarian Society coined the word vegetarian and, thus, it is only their definition that is valid.  They do not allow for dead animals in a vegetarian diet, period.

    Just like the fish eaters, slaughter byproduct eaters are not vegetarian.

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