
Felony Consequences.?

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I am a juvenile (16 years old) And i've commited a crime where the overall outcome was my friend getting his arm burnt. (we are still friends) This is the only crime i have committed, will i get a felony or misdemeanor? Do you HAVE to go to Juvenile Hall/ Jail to get a felony?




  1. Get tried as a juvenile if you can because in most states the juvenile records are sealed when you are 18. However, if you are tried as an adult and get a felony conviction, the hardest consequence is that almost no one will hire a convicted felon and no foreign country will let you travel there. Ever. Welcome to a life working in the auto salvage business. If you get time, after you get out, apply for a pardon so you can get a job. A felony conviction follows you around forever.

  2. Sounds like you're hinting at arson? My son in law got drunk, and in retaliation for an unpaid mechanic item from a guy, he torched the guys empty house trailer and it back lashed & burnt his hand & upper arm. He had to have plastic surgery. It was his 1st offense and it was a felony. No one was hurt & the trailer was abandoned & run down delapitated, but it didn't matter. He was locked up and got out on probation which is now over and he got sober & has been clean for over 3 years.

    Arson is a felony and if they try you as an adult you could definetely go to jail.

  3. it's going to depend on whether or not it was malicious. if it was an accident and your friend will stand up for you and go to court you're probably looking at a misdemeanor with some type of probation. probably no juvenile hall time or maybe community service. be sure to ask about community service/work release if they start talking about juvenile hall time. good luck!

  4. What I think: it is a felony crime; arson.

    What the liberal law thinks: your 16, young and don't need to be in a cage; so, it is likely the judge will reduce the charge and let you go with a "smack on the wrist, or arm, no pun intended!
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