
Felony charges changed... Which is better? Help please!?

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Can someone (with experience in this kind of thing) please read this situation and try to explain what you think will happen...

Originally charged with one felony, class f and the DA offer was Probation with a "silence" on jail time... then the court system switched judges (which means the DA got switched as well) The new DA is offering 5 misdemeanor charges instead of the felony charge and an offer of Probation with No jail time. Which offer is better??




  1. i really don't know but it seems there may be a jurisdiction problem, the da doesn't change unless outside of the jurisdiction, that's just what i think... ask for dismissal; get a lawyer

  2. You certainly do not want a felony conviction on your record.  This would ruin your chance of a career for life!  If the DA is offering to reduce the felony to a misdemeanor, this would absolutely be to your benefit.

    Normally one is given a suspended jail sentence while on probation.  If you mess up while on probation, your probation officer may petition the courts to revoke the suspended sentence.  If the courts revoke your suspended sentence, the judge may order you to serve a portion or all of the suspended sentence.

    I'd take the misdemeanor conviction.  Keep your nose clean while on probation!  If you do not have an extensive criminal history, you may want to seek legal advice about having these charges expunged from your record at a later date.

  3. You do not want a felony charge on your record.

    Your lawyer is advising you, best advice is to follow it.

  4. I understand that you're saying the ADA (assistant district attorney) changed. The misdemeanors are better because most employers will not hire convicted felons. He just needs to do the probation without getting in trouble and keep the felony off of his record.

  5. I would definitely say the misdemeanors.  If you are a convicted felon, it will effect your ability to get a job for a the rest of your life.  It could also effect your right to vote and may effect you in other ways years from now.  

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