
Felt like I had glass in my insides...

by  |  earlier

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I am 6 months pregnant. Last night I felt like I had glass, needles or anything else sharp carving from my insides out, horizonatally above my belly button. All my mid section where you put your hands above the button.

Could it have been gas? It wouldn't hurt anymore if I layed on my right side or moved.




  1. it probably was, or just the way the baby was sitting, and when you turned on your side, it lessend the pressure. you will be okay!! good luck.

  2. This happened to me when I was pregnant it was gas, now if you get this feeling a lot more I would mention it to the dr.

  3. lay on your left side and put your right leg up as much above your heart and if you have trapped gas it will be released....but as you get closer to delivery you will have pins and needle feelings down below.

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