
Female Cancer, Female Leo in a verbal argument?

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Who is going to back off first? Who is going to "win" so to speak? Opinions, thoughts? Thanks!




  1. okay, here's my honest opinion. please keep in mind my answer isnt based on the fact that i'm a cancerian, simply because i HAVE common sense.

    cancer would back off at first. they would start arguing, and it would get really loud, but then the cancer would just stamp their foot and walk away.  the leo, with its ego not completely filled yet, will follow the crab and continue to harass and jab at the crab.

    cancer would tell it quietly to back off, but the lion would continue to scream and say things to the crab that made it very upset. cancer looks like shes about to cry, but really, she's just trying to calm herself down. confrontation is not something she is known for. she feels very upset and doesn't want to continue this meaningless spat.

    but that leo continues to feed its own ego by talking even more c**p the crab...

    it's all quiet all of the sudden....

    then...out of nowhere..........cancer takes a deep breath...takes a step forward...AND GOES COMPLETELY BALLISTIC!!! she swings and dodges and tosses sharp objects everywhere. leo is left bruised and wounded on the floor, having underestimated the power of the crab.

    so i think cancer would win hands down, if it became cornered.

  2. depends on mars signs i would think.  

    *edit --Wow...I think the aquarius moon might have more to say in the argument, but the scorpio moon would not back off first....since both mars signs are the same :P

    Leo would get all dramatic and prolly hang up or leave first whichever is the case !!!

  3. You both have strong planetary placements, but I think she will tend to be more logical and less emotional.based on your Sun and Moon signs. I'm sorry, but I don't see either of you winning, but that may be because of my definition of winning. A friendship is not a contest. By winning, do you mean that you want her to come over to your viewpoint? Do you want to win her friendship back? I guess this depends on what you want to win.

  4. both tend to be defensive and touchy (the reasons differ somewhat), but you should both watch out for those tendencies....

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