A while ago I posted a question about men having s*x with women and never calling back. MOST women agreed that if a man LEADS a woman to believe he wants more than s*x and she sleeps with him... he's a USER if he leaves and never calls back.
ok.. are you with me so far? It's important that you understand that first paragraph.
NOW.. how can a woman say that... THEN turn around and say THIS... AND I QUOTE:
"Nobody used anybody. It's easy for people to say "she should have told him from the start that she wasn't interested", but frankly, it's not easy to be that mean to another person to their face.
Furthermore, the idea that a woman supposedly owes a man s*x just for doing her a few favors is bullsh*t. It's a FAVOR, the person whom you are doing it for does not owe you anything. It was HIS choice to do the favors, and it's not like there is some rule out there that says if a man does favors, a woman has to sleep with him."
--------END QUOTE
Who do YOU agree with?