
Female President in the U.S.?

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I'm curious for the ladies here in the U.S. How many of you who were rooting for Hilary Clinton to become president were for her because of her ability/stances on issues and how many were simply going to vote for her because she's female.

I'm asking because my g/f was dead set on voting for her- and she doesn't follow politics or know a great deal about Hilary's voting record in the Senate.

Please give details with your answer,





  1. Great question.

    It is a pity that gender has become decisive as the qualification for a job or a position of authority.

    Hillary was supposted because of the fact that she is a female and not because of her merits for the job.

    Today in many countries politicians are saying hey let us replace men in positions of authority simply because there are hardly any women there.

    Why dont we give everyone equal opportunity instead biased preference?

    Simple gender politics and feminism.

    Why do you think ERA was shot down and VAWA got enacted?

    Nexus of feminists and politicians.

  2. I did not support Hilary Clinton whatsoever because I don't trust her based on her previous voting records. However, I do consider myself a feminist. All of the people I know (people being a somewhat loosely applied term, perhaps teenagers are better---I am 16) who did not support Hilary could only supply the reason, "I don't want a woman in the White House." When I challenged them on it, they told me that they are sexist and don't have to support their beliefs with fact or actual reasons. I don't think gender should have anything to do with the choice of president. For me, that's what feminism is all about---equality.

  3. "...but you could say the same about African Americans voting for Obama."

    Women always have to bring someone else down to their level. Why can't you just excuse your actions by yourself? Why the need to bring others into a question not involving them?  " oh well, its just like when whatshisname did that, it's the same thing!"  "hey, it's no different than what you guys do"  . It's lame, lame as h**l.

  4. I was looking at someone I thought who was best for the job and actually had plans to do what they are telling us they are going to do. And she was insightful to her answers. That's why I voted for her. I have never voted/or hadn't voted for someone because of their gender or race.

    (You made a lot of sense some people do that. It's the same for some men, they don't vote for her because she is a women but some do. My dad did and my twin brother)

    Now that she is gone I am voting for McCain.

  5. Hillary wouldn't be a Dem candidate without Bill.

    Hillary wouldn't be a senator without Bill.

    Hillary wouldn't be elected dog catcher without Bill.

    Hillary doesn't deserve to be president. She hasn't earned it. This is why women are not supporting her.

  6. no frickin way. i'm glad hilary is out of it.

  7. I loved hillary and after what obama did to her me and my gf are gonna make it rain for mccain. lol

  8. No i don't support Hilary. I would never support a political candidate simply because i liked their race or gender or religion.

  9. "doesn't follow politics or know a great deal about Hilary's voting record in the Senate."

    Most people who vote don't know a great deal about the voting records of the candidates.  There are as many people or more who would NOT vote for Hillary because she is a woman, as the other way around.

    I don't think it is anyone else's business why people vote for who they vote for.  That is why we have a secret ballot

    As for me -  I was always going to vote ABB - anybody but Bush.

    I am against the war so I will have to vote Democrat even though I do not necessarily align with all the stances.  I did not care whether it was Obama or Clinton.  I wanted the person with the best chance of winning.

  10. I believe that was the case for many woman, but you could say the same about African Americans voting for Obama. My mother was rooting for Hilary Clinton, I think, partly because she liked Bill Clinton during his term. She also believed in Clinton's thinking.

    I'll be honest; I'm not too into politics.

  11. I believe in her platform.  She does have the experience to lead and what she advocates is best for Americans.   I am still going to vote for her!   Its called a write in.

  12. I was thrilled to be able to vote for a woman. I want a woman so much--I want the cleaning woman! There were a lot of things I like about her politics and Obama's. Her gender tipped the scale for me.

  13. Im not, I honestly dont think Its the right time for a woman to be lpresident. Not with all that is going on, I think women tend to be to emotional. I think One day it would be nice but now no!!

  14. I was NOT going to vote for her and I will tell you why. She seemed way too sure of herself. Even though she couldn't keep her story straight from one day to the next she seemed to think she had the nomination in the bag because she was a woman. Then when she pulled the crying card it was all over for me. I know it is probably wrong to feel this way but I do not want to see my possible future president crying, its a sign of weakness. However I don't like Obama either. Anyone who would attend such a hateful church with a hateful pastor and a hateful congregation is scarier then h**l to me. When I heard all the people cheering in the back ground when that pastor was going off the way he was it made my hair stand on the back of my neck. You cant tell me you would attend a church like that with out feeling the same way. I also don't like Mcsame. He makes me throw up in my mouth... I am moving to Canada as soon as I learn their national anthem...

  15. I will wait until i become president strong African-American female...whoo,whoo

  16. I'm a political junkie so I was for Hillary at first-but after a while-I didn't like how she was expressing her views. I liked how Obama was delivering his message better and voted for him in the primaries.

    I've always voted for the best candidate and I've been voting for over 30 years-it hasn't mattered if the candidate was black or white or hispanic; male or female; democrat or republican; or g*y or straight.

    Unfortunately I've had quite a few people tell me they'd never:

    vote for a black man or vote for a woman. So there are uninformed people who vote both ways.

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