
Female and Male Betta Fish?

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I have a 30gallon tank and have had a male betta for a few weeks now with 2 Danios .

I bought a female and when I put her in the tank the male Betta chased her all around the tank! I thought it was okay to put male female together? What is the matter? Will he kill her?




  1. Yes he will eventually kill her.

    Male Bettas can not be kept with their own kind without enough space to declare territory.

    It is possible to have two female Bettas (or more) in a 30 gallon from what I have read, but it is very rare to set up a tank with either Two male Bettas or a Male and Female Betta.

    Both Male and Female Bettas are very territorial. They need enough space to feel comfortable and to survive.

    Also during the breeding process the male Betta will kill the Female Betta after the process is done, this is to protect the eggs from the mother who will eat them. Then the Male takes care of them until they hatch (though sometimes he too will eat the eggs).

    You should read all you can about fish before putting them into an uncertain situation. This is for the fishes sake as well as yours.

    My recommendation is that you either remove one or the other (return to store or put in different aquarium). Or you may be able to provide amble hiding places for the female by planting densely growing plants like Water Wisteria and Java Moss for her to hide in. Though I do not suggest risking her life by doing this.

  2. Male betta will go after any other betta unless breeding.

  3. You cannot keep a male betta with any other betta, male or female.  They are only put together for a short period of time for breeding and then only after being conditioned.


  4. Don't

    put them together unless you are an experienced breeder, your lucky he didn't KILL her!

  5. Take her out of the tank right now!!!!! Never, ever, put 2 bettas together. The only reason you should put them together is for breeding, but that must only be done at a specific time. And many times in breeding the male just ramdomly kills the female!!

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