
Female answer only its embarssing!!? thanks :(?

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okay i basically get discharge every day from my vigina its a brow colour mostly a coffee stained colour and it smells like fish. i hate it even if i wash everyday i get it i get up in the morning and i hate it beacuse i dont feel clean or refreshed. its alwys there what is it? it has a strong fish smell why does it come evryday i hate it i lose my confidence and i cant get on with my life!! i do use panty liners and they help but it dosnt stop from comming. what could it be?? help thanks xx :)




  1. This could be an indication of infection, see your GP who will take a swab and treat accordingly.

  2. d**n!  DOUCHE that thang!  When a dude (assumign your are straight adn sexually active) gets a whif of that, he is going to be out and talk about your stank croutch to his boys.  

  3. This discharge being brown instead of yellow or off-white may be a form of spotting in between periods. I actually used to get it when I was younger and active in sports. It is best to talk to a gynecologist about the problem. It can be a sign of various problems, or like mine was, innocent spotting just caused by a young body adjusting to life.

    Please don't listen to the earlier post and use a douche. Those are very unhealthy and in the instance that you have an infection, they can push bacteria back father into your body and worsen the infection. As a previous poster stated, it can also make it worse if you constantly wash at yourself.

    If it is just innocent spotting, there are new cleansing pads you can buy that you can keep in your purse or somewhere inconspicuous, slip into the restroom, and wipe off with. They aren't really cleaning, and just a gentle wipe like toilet paper without cleaner in them, but a deodorizing element in them. I forget what brand makes them, should be in your local stores.

  4. Excessive yellow discharge and smelly odor are two main yeast infection symptoms. Redness and itchiness may or may not be present but if the bad smell is present it must be either yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis that could have progressed after untreated yeast or that had occurred without any links to the yeast.

    Have you been on an antibiotic treatment recently? Had too much s*x and used too many condoms? Yeast over growth could occur as a reaction to spermicide present on some condomes, if you excessively washed your vulaval and vaginal area, if you douched, used non-cotton underwear, wore colorful underwear, etc

    Yeast infection as well as bacterial vaginosis as well as any other genitor-urinary infection needs to be diagnosed by a gynecologist, so that you could get a proper treatment as these treatment differ due to different causing agents.

  5. Make a visit to a gynecologist. Don't ignore this problem. You may have an infection. As you describe your discharges, they are not normal so you should definitely visit a doctor. And don't be scarred, he or she will give you a treatment.

  6. Infection. Go see a doctor, it won't get better on its own.

  7. You sound like you definitely have an infection of some kind. best make an appointment with the doc, and don't be embarrassed imagine how much better you'll feel when you're sorted. x

  8. Get yourself to a doctor you have an infection. Dont be embarrassed about it, he/she has probably delt with worse. Go on your own if you dont wanna tell your mum. Dont get the 'at home kits'.


  9. Sound as like you have some kind of infection, get yourself along to the doc.  he'll give you something which will clear it up in no time.

  10. hi (: this is pritty wierd but i have to same problem too. ive had mine for just over 4 years though (hard to believe but true!) and i refused to show a doctor, i went though and descriebed it and they said it was either thrush or a water infection so i took a urine sample but i said it wasn't a water infection which could be treated by tablets or injection so we assumed it must be thrust, its near enough gone now with no treatment, i just let it be, but i doubt you will want it for as long as i had it. but i would go doctors and do a urine sample. if its not a water infection then it might possibly be thrush which now luckily you can pick up tablets for at your local chemist

  11. you have got a infection. before when i had a problem with discharge i was told it was a bacterial infection. it sounds like you have either got thrush or a bacterial infection

    i watched a program on t.v the other week and this woman had really bad discharge and they took some swabs and sent them of to the lab to get tested and their was not one bit of bacteria their what so ever so what caused the discharge was that she cleaned her self to much and got rid of even the good bacteria in her v****a.

    if i was you i would go to see a docter

    good luck

  12. I'm guessing it's some sort of infection. Maybe a yeast infection.

  13. go to the docs! also you can actually make it worse by washing so frequently but seriously please go docs get it sorted good luck  

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