
Female circumcision?

by Guest57284  |  earlier

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Some cultures do it. I thought circumcision was just for males. But where exactly on a female's genital area do they cut? And does it hurt?




  1. Its mutilation because it removes the top of the clitoris. It would be more like an equivalent to male circumcision if it removed only some of the outer labia.  

  2. They cut the clitoris, and I'm guessing it would hurt yeah :P

    Well i know one things for sure, it would be hard to pleasure yourself...

  3. they remove the C**t to deliberately lower the sexual pleasure of their women so the men don't  have to worry about their own sexual performance,and also so their women won't stray.completely fuked up and backward.the cultures who do this should be bombed back to the stone age where they belong.

  4. Its rare,but they actually cut the clitoris off so they have no way of enjoying s*x.....i couldn't think of much else that would hurt more & I think it is shocking & cruel...

  5. There's mutilation, removal of the C**t.  

    And, there's an operation that deals with a larger than normal clitoral hood which interferes with enjoyable s*x and can even get stuck (like it's been glued) and infected due to it's size.  The operation increases pleasure and makes it much healthier when it's needed.

  6. Female circumcision is also known as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

    There are several types:

    Type 1 - The WHO (World health Organisation) defines Type I FGM as the partial or total removal of the clitoris (clitoridectomy),and/or the prepuce removal clitoral hood.

    Type 2 - The WHO's definition of Type II FGM is "partial or total removal of the clitoris and the labia minora, with or without excision of the labia majora (excision).

    Type 3 - The WHO defines Type III FGC as narrowing of the vaginal o*****e with creation of a covering seal by cutting and appositioning the labia minora and/or the labia majora, with or without excision of the clitoris (infibulation).

    Type 4 - Other types. There are other forms of FGM, collectively referred to as Type IV, that may not involve tissue removal. The WHO defines Type IV FGC as "all other harmful procedures to the female genitalia for non-medical purposes, for example, pricking, piercing, incising, scraping and cauterization." This includes a diverse range of practices, such as pricking the clitoris with needles, burning or scarring the genitals as well as ripping or tearing of the v****a.  Type IV is found primarily among isolated ethnic groups as well as in combination with other types.

    Amnesty International estimates that over 130 million women worldwide have been affected by some form of FGC, with over 2 million procedures being performed every year. FGC is mainly practiced in African countries.

    Among practicing cultures, FGC is most commonly performed between the ages of four and eight, but can take place at any age from infancy to adolescence.

    Prohibition has led to FGC going underground, at times with people who have had no medical training performing the cutting without anesthetic, sterilization, or the use of proper medical instruments. The procedure, when performed without any anesthetic, can lead to death through shock from immense pain or excessive bleeding. The failure to use sterile medical instruments may lead to infections.

    Other serious long term health effects are also common. These include urinary and reproductive tract infections, caused by obstructed flow of urine and menstrual blood, various forms of scarring and infertility. The first time having sexual intercourse will often be extremely painful, and infibulated women will need the labia majora to be opened, to allow their husband access to the v****a. This second cut, sometimes performed by the husband with a knife, can cause other complications to arise.

    The effect of FGC on a woman's sexual experience varies depending on many factors. FGC does not eliminate sexual pleasure for all women who undergo the procedure. Although sexual excitement and arousal for a woman during intercourse involves a complex series of nerve endings being activated and stimulated in and around her v****a, v***a (labia minora and majora), cervix, uterus and clitoris, psychological response and mind-set are also important.

  7. that even possible

  8. It's when they cut the clitoris. I'm pretty sure the reason for the circumsision is to stop the women having pleasure? I could be wrong but I think they do it in African tribes?? I probably have all the information wrong, but that seems to be what's stuck in my head??

  9. The cut off the clitoris because it is believed that s*x was not meant for pleasure it was meant for procreation.  It is also believed that a  woman is more "pure" when circumcised.  I was told that this procedure makes s*x better for men.  I hate double standards!!

  10. It depends on which type of circumcision they have, but generally YES IT HURTS! Any time part of the body (as in normal healthy tissue) is cut off it's painful and circumcision is usually done without anesthesia. Female circumcision is basically a ritual (rite of passage) done in several African tribes and in the Middle East among some muslim women. As with male circumcision, there are no medical reasons for doing it and female circumcision is scorned in other parts of the world but widely practiced and defended in the regions where it's common.

    Technically, female "circumcision" refers to cutting off the prepuce (hood) around the clitoris. The clitoris is analogous to the p***s so this is basically the exact same procedure that they would do on males at birth in the US.

    Generally speaking, when people refer to "female circumcision" they are actually talking about Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Genital Cutting (FGC) which is much more severe. This is when they cut off the clitoris itself. The purpose behind that is to prevent the girl from experiencing any pleasure when having s*x. Usually, women in African and middle eastern tribes that have been circumcised as girls carry on the tradition with their daughters. They have been brainwashed to belive that circumcision is necessary, healthier and makes you a better women. It's kind of like what they have done in the states with males where American men who were circumcised at birth tend to believe that it was good for them, so they have their sons circumcised.  

  11. They do it for several reasons: to hide the fact they are ugly, they can't go more than a minute and they have a small shrivelled peepy.

  12. Its not "circumcision", its female genital cutting (FGM) and the practice is in contravention on international human rights laws and ILLEGAL in every country where it is still practiced (where it is performed "underground").

    "Child protection from violence, exploitation and abuse

    Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting"

    Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), or female genital cutting, refers to a number of practices which involve cutting away part or all of a girl’s external genitalia. Mutilated/cut infants, girls and women face irreversible lifelong health risks, among other consequences.

    An estimated 70 million girls and women living today have been subjected to FGM/C in Africa and Yemen. They are also increasingly found in Europe, Australia, Canada and the USA, primarily among immigrants from Africa and southwestern Asia.

    FGM/C is practiced for a number of reasons including:

    Sexual: to control or reduce female sexuality.
Sociological: for example, as an initiation for girls into womanhood, social integration and the maintenance of social cohesion.
Hygiene and aesthetic reasons: where it is believed that the female genitalia are dirty and unsightly.
Health: in the belief that it enhances fertility and child survival.
Religious reasons: in the mistaken belief that FGM/C is a religious requirement.

    FGM/C is mainly performed on children and adolescents between four and 14 years of age. In some countries such as Ethiopia however, more than half of FGM/C is performed on infants under one year old.

    Practitioners of FGM/C are generally traditional birth attendants or trained midwives. FGM/C is a highly-valued service with high financial rewards, and a practitioner's status in the community and income can be directly linked with performance of the operation.

    FGM/C is a fundamental violation of the rights of girls. It is discriminatory and violates the rights to equal opportunities, health, freedom from violence, injury, abuse, torture and cruel or inhuman and degrading treatment, protection from harmful traditional practices, and to make decisions concerning reproduction. These rights are protected in international law.

    FGM/C does irreparable harm. It can result in death through severe bleeding leading to haemorrhagic shock, neurogenic shock as a result of pain and trauma, and severe, overwhelming infection and septicaemia. It is routinely traumatic. Many girls enter a state of shock induced by the severe pain, psychological trauma and exhaustion from screaming.

    Other harmful effects include: failure to heal; abscess formation; cysts; excessive growth of scar tissue; urinary tract infection;   painful sexual intercourse; increased susceptibility to HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases; reproductive tract infection; pelvic inflammatory diseases; infertility; painful menstruation; chronic urinary tract obstruction/ bladder stones; urinary incontinence; obstructed labour; increased risk of bleeding and infection during childbirth."

  13. Female circumcision is now correctly called "Female Genital Cutting". There are different degrees of where, what and how they cut. The most severe type involves the v****a being completely sewn closed with only a tiny hole kept for urine and menstrual fluid to escape.

    In some culture it is actually perfectly acceptable to do, and in fact nearly 95% of all females have been subjected to some degree of FGC in Egypt, Sudan, Mali, Ethiopia, etc, but in most developed countries it is illegal.

  14. i was wondering the same thing

    what the h**l do they cut?

    and yes would hurt like h**l

  15. Usually,labia majora,minora and clitoris.

    Some cultures said it is necessary because clitoris is the center of libido, therefore cut it will decrease it.

    Clitoris has twice nerve than the t******e. So, if it is done without anesthetic, the patient would die because of the immense pain.

    Female circumcision is very very stupid. Even the Muslims have already banned it.  

  16. There are two types. One is cutting off the clitoris so the woman will feel no pleasure in s*x. The reason for this is so the woman will not cheat on their husband, because s*x won't feel good. Another is sowing up the opening to the v****a and only opening it to mate with the husband and give birth to a child. And no doubt it hurts, most of the time they have the operations without anesthesia.

    This practice is prominent in a lof of African cultures. We as westerners might think it's a barbaric practice, but in their culture, its an honor and a mandatory experience for women, or they can't get married. A lot of women actually want it to be done to them. I'm not saying that I think it's right, but they have their reasons of doing it.
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