
Female firefighters?

by Guest45306  |  earlier

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Do you feel that women should be in the fire service or not? whether its in a volunteer capacity or on a paid department?

Do you think they cause problems for males in the fire service ? Input please. i am a female on a vounteer department this is the second fire family i have been a member of . my first department was very open and willing to help teach me anything i needed to know despite the fact i was a female on my new department this is not so ! Being treated like because i am female that i am not worth the time to teach or be friendly with. Ostracized and made to feel unworthy compared to the men ?with only these 2 experiences to go on am wondering if this is normall. or if my first department was abnormal?




  1. Can you lift as much or stay in the battle as long as your male counterparts?  If not then maybe that's the reason you get some strange looks from the other firefighters.  And maybe they are tired of seeing women being placed in these positions over good men because quotas have to be filled.

  2. I've only had experience with one department (police) and I can safely say chicks are always treated a little bit differently.

    But it's like that a lot of places in my experience. Although I've grown accustomed to being the only girl (like the summer I worked at a car detailing shop), it's never ceased to amaze me how men have always managed to make me feel like a sissy. Whether it's the male boss who finds it acceptable to hit on me at work or the way guys offer to do the hard stuff for me...I've felt extremely belittled.

    Even jobs where I was not the only chick, men have managed to make me feel out of place or incapable of doing my job.

    I don't think I'm overly sensitive and I'm positive it has nothing to do with my looks (I'm average).

    I don't know if your first department was abnormal or not but I do know if you dwell on it, it'll only get worse. Your best bet is to always do your job to the best of your ability and KNOW that women always do things better. ;)

  3. Female Firefighter that HOT!!


  4. As long as you don't chicken out when it comes to do the hard stuff, and you really can do your job, there's no reason a woman shouldn't be a firefighter.

  5. maybe it is not your gender that they don't like maybe it is the fact that you are new and they are waiting for you to prove your self before they will let you in some places work that way

  6. It sucks no matter if you do the same thing as a fellow male....probably still get treated like c**p b/c your a woman.  I was an officer for 10 years.  I emphasize, "was" for many reasons I resigned.  One being that my command staff was a bunch of arrogant chauvinistic pigs.....the rest of the crew followed by leadership. Not all of them were a-holes...most of them weren't.  Good 'ol boy system  I could go on and on and on.  Hopefully you can hang in there longer than I could!  GET it Girl!!!!!

  7. There is absolutely no reason why a female cant be a firefighter. in terms of your second fire family, they should be willing to help you. in terms of EEO (equal employment oppurtunities) it can be considered that you are being discriminated against based on gender. my advice for you is to talk to your chief (do you have chiefs) or the person in charge and let them know how you are feeling and that as a female you would like just as many oppurtunities as the males to forward your knwoledge.


  8. I used to be with the fire service and had several females under my command.  I always found them as dependable and as good a fire fighter as any of the guys.  Only place a female may be at a disadvantage is if she is petite and doesn't have the strength to do some of the work.  Then you must make adjustments and work the spots you are capable of handling.  An engineer doesn't have to be large or extremely strong.  You just need to have a good head on your shoulders and make sure your crew has water.  I had females that were lieutenants and captains under me, so there is no limit what is possible.  I would guess this time you got on with a crew of "good old boys" who still feel the female role is "bare foot and pregnant".  Don't let them get you down.  Show them what you are made of.
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