
Female like what in a male at first sight?

by  |  earlier

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like his looks, personality, good behavior, hair, height




  1. His eyes, and his smile.  I think that's the most important two things to me.  Obviously personality is one.  Height, as long as you're not like way too short (and I'm short, only 5'4").  

    I can't stand a guy who walks into a room and starts hitting on the girls.


  2. I always look at the eyes.

    They're the first thing I see.

    Then hair. :P

    Personality takes a little while to figure out, but it's extremely important.

  3. omg...everything about a guy is attractive. except for the gross ackward stuff...mmm...guys  

  4. at first sight a nice smile and nice face, height i just want you to be a little taller then me but the personality is the most important thing

  5. for me it's how loud and funny he is, how else would i notice him???? bein loud gets my attention!

  6. nice eyes, smile and shoes.

    funny, sweet, smart and outgoing.

    hair, doesn't matter what color or length, as long as it suites him, and is well groomed.

    height, 5-5'3+.

  7. Well personally I go for the whole first impression thing, Like I do tend to notice how they look, but not exactly if they are like a s*x god. I don't like to look at guys that are nasty and who look like they have not bathed in weeks ewwwww. But usually I first notice personality, then if I like that then I start to pay enough attention to notice other things. Most females like guys that are taller then them like I do, and then I notice the hair.  

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