
Female male hamster questions need help!:)?

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recently ive been asking so questions because my hamsters were fighting. they are both adjusting to their new surrounding just fine. but now im kinda worried they were fighting because one of them was male? im not sure yet i havent checked the "male" hamster yet. i probably will tonight when its up and about. but the the 'male" hamster is larger than the other one and it was the one hurting the smaller hamster. so question what are some signs that your hamster is pregnant? and what to do when you have ugh little babies. i kinda hope she isnt and then i hope she is. hope not cuz well im getting visuals of naked little babies haha and that kinda freaks me out and they are dwarf meaning they will be really small haha dn hope that she does cuz that would just be cool. anyways please help lol thanks oh and if you have questions check back to this question and ill probably answer it by adding details.




  1. Hamsters should not live together, they are naturally aggressive towards each other and do better off in separate cages, even if you have 2 females they are still most likely going to fight, and hamsters will fight to the death, even with having a male and female together you will encounter problems, the female will most likely pick on the male, and they constantly would be having babies, i know that they are cute but is that really fair for the female hamster, once she has babies she can get pregnant rite after.

  2. make sure if she is pregnant u separate her from the male and give her her own space

  3. They will make squeaks. But dont worry. Nothing will actually happen. Some signs are size being a piggy sleeping in 1 place only. After 12 days u have to keep checking for little babies and when u notice the little pink cuties u have to immediately take the dad out, The dad will eat the babies if you dont. But for now just keep feeding them treats veggies cereal with no sugar and stuff like that

    seeds fruit vegies


    when she has her kids u have to give her bread soaked in milk so she ill have milk o feed her kids

    When she has the kids u can not touch them until they have there eyes open.

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