
Female or male hamster?

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so ive finally decided i want a hamster ive done research and im planning on doin some more before i buy one, but i just have 2 questions how do i make sure my hamster wont escape from his/her cage (ive heard they are smart and great at finding ways to escape) and also should i get a female or a male? what has been your experience...i know i would perfer my hamster to be friendly and fun and cuddly, i just dont know if both genders are like this?




  1. Go for a female hamster because they are less territorial and aggressive. I have two Roborovski hamsters which are the smallest, fastest type of hamster, and yet they have not escaped from their cage, (I have had them for two years!) I think this is because I have Rotastak cages which are very good, attractive to look at and most of the cages do not have bars to escape from but are plastic and if they do have bars they are not big enough for the hamster to escape through. Roborovski hamsters are very cute but they are very fast so quite hard to cuddle. I think females would be more cuddly. Hope this helps!

  2. Usually females are nicer.  Get one from a breeder if possible.  Or try to find a store that treats them right and holds them once in a while or they'll be mean.  Also dwarves are usually a bit meaner than normal ones.  I love our winter white dwarf though.  She's so nice.  We also have an evil robovorski that's terrible.  Both are female.  Just buy a large cage and be sure it's secured tightly.  As long as you're careful when you hold them or play with them they shouldn't escape.  

  3. Depends on the hamster. When you go to the pet store ask to hold the hamsters and find one that doesnt bite. I dont think it matters what gender. And yes they are escape artists. I own a Female hamster and she trys to get out by climbing her water bottle and pushing up on the lid of the cage. I got one of the cages where the lid locks on but I still keep a weight on the lid just in case. I put a toilet paper roll so she cant climb up there anymore because she started chewing through the thing that holds the water bottle up. Also they are nocturnal so they like to run on their wheel all night and sleep all day.And they smell bad but they are really fun to play with and to hold and they make great pets. Hope you enjoy your furry friend!

  4. hamsters arent cuddly they too smal

  5. You can buy aquariums for hamsters that has no possible way of it getting out and there's no difference really of the gender, but the male can be more Ignerant, than the girls

  6. Syrian or dwarf?

    Syrian-wise, I like them about equally.  I only have one girl, and I haven't noticed much difference personality-wise.  The girls get larger in syrians, so it's actually easier to find wire housing they can't slip out of.

    Dwarves, I tend to lean towards the boys.  I've never been bit by a male dwarf, and they've always been friendlier and more interested in just hanging out.  However, I do have 3 dwarf girls who are SO sweet and will l**k your hand like crazy.  So I think a lot of it depends mostly on the individual hamster, too.

    To make sure they don't escape, just make sure there are no places in the cage they can chew through or squeeze out of.  They can fit through something as big as their head, but if you make sure the cage is pretty big and has plenty of toys/food/water, I don't think they really try getting out.  I've never had a hamster get loose out of either a tank or a wire cage.

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