
Female perspective on this?

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Once in a while, I will get dressed to the nines for a formal occasions-heels, dress, pantyhose, etc. The other night, hubby and I went to a wedding reception and he kept complimenting me on how good I looked, especially my legs. When we got home after, he kept up the compliments and then told me that he was curious to try the pantyhoseand panties I was wearing for some bedroom kink. I was kind of surprised and asked him why and he told me he wants to experience the feel of what its like. He told me that it wouldnt be an everyday thing and that he had no desire to wear them all the time or anything like that. I'm kind of deciding on it. Anybody out there ever encounter anything similar? What do you think I should do?




  1. Why are there so many questions on here about men wearing women's clothing? Are they all being asked by the same guy?

  2. No, thank GOD I've never encountered anything like this!

    Something is very wrong with this man, and he is sick in the head.  You need to run, and fast!  Unless you like this sort of thing, then you two are made for each other.  

    This is the type that you end up finding out that he is bisexual later in the relationship after he's had affairs with multiple men behind your back.  The kind who goes to city parks to "hook up" with strange men in the woods.  A sicko, and a freak head case at that.

  3. let him do it

  4. It's just a bedroom desire; there really isn't anything wrong with exploration at all. As long as two (or more if you are into that) people are consenting adults and it is all in having fun; giving and receiving pleasure then what is the problem?

    My boyfriend and I dress up for each other all the time, it keeps things fresh and passionate. Don’t read too far into fetishes; after all it’s just a bit of role-playing.

  5. I'm pretty open. I don't think I could picture my man ever wanting to wear any article of my clothing, but what's the harm? He's probably curious about how they feel on, because it feels good to his hands.

  6. who cares........ it's not like he is asking you to bring a third party in...

  7. DO NOT JUDGE your husband. Women always say that they want their men to be more honest about what they like and don't like. DO NOT make your husband feel weird about this.

    If you're in a committed relationship, try your best to accept everything about him...including his interest in your might have some fun. You really never know....

    Take it from an old (34 years old) married woman (met him when I was 16 and TOTALLY in love with Bon Jovi)...s*x is wonderful when BOTH can trust the other not to judge and can just  open up. It's amazing. Let him do this thing. You might like it...

  8. I date ONLY men who are ego-strong enough to wear silk hose and garter belts for my pleasure.  : )

    (I CANNOT get over how sexually inhibited Americans are! Thank goodness for Japanese men.)

  9. It is nice that your relationship is comfortable enough for him to bring this up freely. I also hope that you did not freak out on him and started calling him names in response. Marriage is a commitment, and that involves acceptance of who and what he is. Open your mind to his sexual preferences, and you just might enjoy it with him. Couples lucky enough to experience openness like that with each other are happier and healthier people and parents to their children.

  10. Everyone ignore him. Its a fetishist. He posted this same question about a week ago. Ignore him.

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