
Female riders, help settle a bet?

by  |  earlier

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Several of my riding buddies and their gf and wives got into a debate, how I don't know, but we need some unbiased opinions to settle this hypothetical event. Please respond to all 3 questions. Thanks in advance, a dinner is riding on this.

If you saw a well built, buff guy riding a motorcycle on a sunny hot day would you be more likely physically attracted to him if:

1. He was riding a chopper, cruiser or crotch-rocket?

2. He was wearing a T-shirt, muscle shirt, tank top or no shirt?

3. He was wearing a helmet or riding without a helmet?




  1. 1 - generally a cruiser or a chopper, depending on the bike. I prefer old-school bikes. Some choppers just look uncomfortable. If the bike is hot enough, I won't even notice the rider ;-)

    2. As long as there is a shirt, it's all good.

    3. I generally don't pay attention to the helmet, but I generally figure a full-face helmet is more appropriate for dirt riding than for riding on roads.

    A total turn-off- anyone riding any kind of bike in inadequate coverage- shorts and sandals are inappropriate wear on any kind of bike. Boys on Bikes that are sporting skin are NOT s**y. They are laughable. This includes passengers as well. Full shoes are required. Full coverage on legs. And women wearing short shorts on bikes sporting full moons are laughable to the extreme.

  2. Oh god this is a question for Magz , Balding hd., Cornporto , and HD william

  3. 1. Cruiser or Crotch-rocket

    2. I like guy's with nice gear. Good gear = smart, I like smart men.

    3. See #2, full helmet.

  4. 1 It has to be an Italian sport-bike or a beemer sport-touring

    2 All these options sound equally noxious. Leather. Or kevlar, If I have to choose -- t-shirt

    3  Helmet, every time. That makes him a "mystery man"!

  5. chopper, t-shirt, helmet

  6. Wifey says




  7. 1....Wouldn't care what he was riding, I personally ride sports bikes but the point of this is that I like the guy, not what he's riding.

    2....Again wouldn't make any difference since I'd think he was an a*****e for wearing any that you list. I might fancy his body but not his mind..

    Can't beat the look of a guy in tight leather jeans.

    3....Same answer as number 2, he might look nice but he's an idiot riding without a helmet and who wants to wake up next to an idiot in the morning?

  8. Weird.....

    1.  Cruiser

    2.  T-shirt---with riding jacket over it, please.

    3.  Helmet

    I am attracted to hubby who rides with me on a cruiser, T-shirt, and skid lid;  I just would be more attracted if he would wear more protective gear-jacket and a real helmet.

  9. 1. Cruiser

    2. Tank (or naked.. lol)

    3.Without but doesn't really matter

    wow compared to the other answers I really am shallow:( Or I am the only one being honest!

  10. I ride a crotch rocket... with a leather ICON riding jacket, and a full face helmet.

    For some reason I feel like...half a chin and no skin on my arms and back will make me less likely to pick up women at the club.

    As a rider, what cracks me up is this.... you see Harley guys with leather from head to toe...yet this little beanie looking thing they call a "helmet" that barely covers the back of their head... Im thinking..if there is one place on my whole body I might like to keep my skin, its my face!!

    Then you see crotch rocket guys..with a full face helmet... in a tank top, shorts and flip flops.... oh yeah they are probably more likely to survive the crash than the Harley guy with the beanie...question is, are they going to be so messed up and skinless that they wished they hadn't?

    If you are dressing to go riding.. thinking hmmmmmm..what is going to help me land chicks on my bike... Im going to rephrase your question for you...

    Ladies, what do you find more attactive...

    Chin or no chin?

    Skin or no skin?

    A guy who can afford to take you out to dinner on Friday nights..or a guy who owes 250,000 in medical bills to the hospital?

    Teeth or no teeth?

    Oh, and to the guy whos "old lady" prefers Choppers and such...I am not quite as surprised as you, especially after knowing she allows you to reference her as "my old lady". I doubt any of the women I date, or put on the back of my rocket and take long rides on scenic roads...would allow me to get away with addressing them to people as "My old lady".

    To answer your question... just ride around town, you see woman on the back of the bikes..regardless of what the bike is, or what the rider is wearing. The answers you have gotten so far are showing you that it just doesn't matter... you are going to find an equal mix of women who prefer a different mix of your answers.

  11. My ole-lady says, 'chopper, t-shirt and 1/2 lid'.  Figure that one out, I can't.  She owns an FLHT & XL.

  12. 1. Any bike would be fine.

    2. Can't beat a sharp-dressed man on a bike--I'm talking business attire, minus the suit coat.

    3. Helmet--adds mystery.

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