
Female with rash on upper inner thighs, Shows up every so often, any suggestions how about aloe vera gel?

by Guest66900  |  earlier

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Just red, hurts, but not itchy... Always wash, and wear clean clothes at all times.




  1. It sounds like some type of moisture, perspiration possibly, could be causing this.  Try using cornstarch baby powder or Vagisil makes a powder with cornstarch for this problem but it is more expensive and cornstarch baby powder works just as well.

  2. It sounds like possibly heat rash or even a friction burn if your thighs rub together. If you can, find something with lots of Vitamin E to rub there and leave it on overnight.  

  3. In hot and humid climate such problems are common.Aloe vera gel you can apply.But ideal is calamine lotion.

  4. avoid wettness thier.

  5. sounds like something i had i started using a different moisturiser and it helped a lot make suer ur not allergic to any products u use or materials that u wear

    plz help:


  6. Aloe vera might soothe the irritated tissue but wouldn't get to the root cause .  Do you wear short shorts so that they are chafing together?  You could try a homeopathic gel made of calendula and echinacae, or the herb self-heal.  

  7. I feel that you may have a fungal infection called Tinea cruris or  Candida albicans  - how you deal with it is up to you. Try going to the doctor for a confirmation if you think that this may be the case to obtain some treatment.

    If it is fungal the only really good way to get rid of it is to consult with a naturopath and probably go off yeast products for up to 3 months - a bother but really worth the bother

    A website with discussions on both conditions  

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