firstly let me say in advance i appreciate you reading this.
my girlfriend broke up with me over a month ago. we dated for a year. I can't stop thinking about her..i really do miss her a lot..and want her back. I became too needy..I didn't give her any space at all really..she's been really really busy this summer.
After the break up I tried to get back with her, she told me she just didnt want to date anybody at all right got kind of intense for the both of us. I went home for a month now, we haven't talked that much..she was my best friend and i tried to keep talking like we used to but it wasnt going to happen. But when we do talk, I try to be the man and flirt with her..she flirts back..and we have a bet going over a board game when i get back which will result in either me giving her a long massage or her cooking me dinner for the evening.
Like what the heck? I know she's hanging out with other guys right now...but she says she doesn't want to date anyone (which i believe we were always so honest to eachother..i can't see her lying to me..uhh girls would she? she's very religious). I don't want to do these things with her..because it will break my heart knowing I can't kiss the girl. At the same time, i want her back so badly..and feel I can be enough of a casanova to peak her interest again.
Do I have any chance of getting this girl back?? Or should I just reluctantly give up? I'm at a loss at what to do..i dont want to give her everything she wants while I am craving more. At the same time, I don't want to give up and lose any opportunity to get her back.