
Females 18+, what is the best way to approach you to ask you to pose nude? Assume you do not know?

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Is it;



Job offer (as in a career in modeling)

The asker's jaw drops to the floor when he sees you

Other - please specify.

If you do not mind please include at least a rough estimate of your age as I would like to see if there is a difference related to age. Photography has been a hobby of mine for years. I am thinking of turning pro and glamour photography seems to have the best potential for making money. I am NOT interested in p**n at all just glamour (which I have never done). I recently saw a 20 something and a forty something female at the local bookstore, both very attractive and I told them so (it is the way I am - I was NOT hitting on either of them - I just say what I think). The younger one was very flattered (I am no Brad Pitt) but she really liked being told she was very pretty, the older one smiled but was more reserved. I would have expected the opposite, guess it must have been the individuals. BUT I am kicking myself for not asking.




  1. Unless you're well known and they're really into that sort of thing, no woman is going to just randomly pose nude for a stranger no matter what you say. So I guess you would have to just post ads and stuff, or ask people who already do these sort of photographs. But really, if someone doesn't want to do it, don't try to convince them.

  2. im twenty, and my initial feeling would be a little creeped out. I dont know if i could really trust a stranger coming up to me asking me to pose nude for him, i dunno seems a little fishy. I would have to get to know the person first and really trust them. Maybe i would react differently if someone approached me first giving me their card, or website info so i can check it out for myself. If there are nude women on the site portrayed in an artistic way id be more willing to do the shots

  3. Just tell them you are a budding photographer and that their body is such a piece of art you would like to photograph them. Try it, see if it works out.

  4. Be professional and upfront about it. Have a business card with a web address where she can view samples of your work and contact you.

    I would want to know first and foremost that you really were interested in photography and the nude modeling was not a ruse for something else. I would also want to see examples of your work.

    I am in my forties. I'm not surprised the older woman was more reserved. With more life experience, you learn that men will flatter you for a lot of manipulative reasons.

  5. just buy a book

  6. 18 here.

    The best way to get a woman to pose nude is to let a woman willing to pose nude find YOU. Usually, women willing to pose nude will do so because they like to do it, put your ad out as a photographer and they will come to you.

    Usually, women you meet on the street (or in a bookstore) aren't willing to just get naked in front of you, particularly if you're going to take pictures and particularly if you're going to sell the pictures/ show them to others/ post them online.

    Leaked nudes (even artistic nudes) of a woman can ruin her job, her relationship, and her reputation, regardless of how long ago the pictures were taken.

    Also, don't offer her a job unless you're going to pay her or you're really going to get her a job. To do otherwise is both low and a form of fraud which can get you sued and possibly imprisoned.

    I would only pose nude for you if you were my boyfriend and you swore never to show the pictures to anyone else under penalty of having your p***s violently removed. That goes for everyone, not just you, so don't feel bad.

    Other than that, good luck.

  7. I think every woman's fear when asked this is that the guy asking is just some pervert trying to get her naked. Act professional first and foremost. Explaining that she is beautiful and would look amazing in photos would be a plus, telling her she's really hot would not be. I'm twenty, by the way.

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