
Females: Whats the best way to keep your body clean, w/ a fresh scent w/ out using perfumes??

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Females: Whats the best way to keep your body clean, w/ a fresh scent w/ out using perfumes??




  1. Use a good smelling body wash. Like axe or something like that.

  2. Perfume doesn't keep your body clean.  Cleansing keeps your body clean.  Using too much perfume in the hopes of cleansing your body or having it clean is a dilution.  There are minute things on your body that you need to cleanse off, and the cleaning of the skin is therapeutic as well, hydrating yourself and cleansing yourself at the same time.  Clean is better than over perfumed and or Cologne, etc. Also, all the perfume can actually make some people ill, or nauseous.  Be clean not over perfumed.  GL

  3. Wash daily. Wearing clothes dried outside on the line gives you fresh outdoor smell that lasts longer than detergent and fabric softener perfumes.

    I like to add two or three drops of Dr. Bronner's Castile soap, I like the lavender, to the washing machine. It has organic essential oils. Add it to a cup of hot water then dump in in the machine with your regular detergent. It's enough to make whole load of wash smell like lavender and it has decent staying power if used with a non scented detergent or a detergent like Bio-Clean. And it doesn't smell overpowering, just clean and fresh.

    You can also add a few drops of essential oil to hot water in the fabric softener dispenser - in lieu of fabric softener -  for a stronger scent.

    On an aside:

    I met a guy who lived in a small remote Indonesian village for a year where resources were not available for daily full body cleaning. He said people did not smell as bad as they do here in the States when not washing because their diet is all natural and 100% non-processed without preservatives, additives, hormones, antibiotics,  and other junk. They had much less toxins in their system for their body to get rid of, so when they sweat it didn't smell like BO.  They also don't have local pollution like in heavily developed countries where big business dumped their runoff into water supplies and having to breath in smog and poor air quality of industrial areas.

    I don't know this first hand but it kind of makes sense when you look at the food labels with unpronouncable chemical lists. When you think about it seems to make sense too: we know people live primitively still in parts of the world and they hunt for food and have to be undected by the animals they are hunting. BO is fairly detectable.

    So eating organic and unprocessed foods as often as possible or exclusively will likely help a great deal with smelling good. You are what you eat.

  4. ~~Just use fresh smelling soap and nice smelling deodorant-along with freshly laundered clothes and you will smell fresh and clean. If you don't like any perfumed products (like soaps and deodorants), then how about a nice talcum powder. That leaves your skin fresh and clean feeling and has just a nice, fresh, scent.~~

  5. deoderant, scented soap 2xdaily, smell good lotion and/or facial cleanser maybe. also you can use shampoo/conditioner with a scent to it and body wash.

  6. shower daily ....................

    always wear clean under-ware

    wear clean clothes

    all help you smell fresh but use deodorant  body lotions etc

    no point having a clean body then putting on pre worn clothes!!

  7. i shower daily and use powder and body gels.

  8. Using a nice scented baby powder or some of the new Feminine Body washes they now have. Non irritating and helps keep ya fresh longer.

    I love the Monostat feminine powder.

  9. Use Dial, Dove, Ivory (Lavender), Lever 2000 (love it ) I say buy the Lever 2000 you'll be glad you did. Use Dial if you perspire all over or have heavy ordor, Use Lever 2000 if you want a soap that smells good and good on you. Then follow up your bathing/shower with either a great smelling powder or lotion. NEVER SPEND MONEY ON SOMETHING THAT STINKS, like those AXE products.

  10. use grace shampoo, bath, and shower gel  uniquely feminine, moisturizing shower gel for gracious bodies.

    clean skin and hair never smelled .

    So many choice here!

  11. Scented soap, I use dove energizer bar, it's smells so good, and feel great after. Besides perfume bothers people!.

  12. shower...

    i always use a body wash with moisturizers instead of a bar soap so that it doesn't dry out my skin.  also, don't use one with a real heavy scent.  heavy scented ones leave you smelling artificial and ends up stinking later.

  13. nice smelling lotion or body spray.. it never fails

  14. You should use some kind of exfoliating pad when you shower; you will feel so soft, clean, and you'll smell GREAT!

  15. try switching your shampoo conditioner and soap every other day, get 2 or 3 scents and use a different one each day.

  16. first of all, shower! use powder, or body spray. or just use strongly scented bar soap.

  17. I wear body spray all the time...for like work, gym everyday the very fragrant expensive perfume for special occasions.

    Also Aussie hair products smell incredible and since its your hair it stays smelling all day ... unless you work in a restaurant or people smoke around you.

  18. ESSENTIAL OILS. Put a couple drops in a spray bottle w/ water. All Natural & the best smells.

  19. Now I am wondering which part of your body you are talking about. Bathing daily should take care of body cleanliness using just a good soap. A light body spray made of essential oil is an all natural way of freshening up but, wash the stinky parts first, as nothing will mask odors. The nasties return.

    Underarms: Wash with soap a couple times a day if not showering daily.

    the Pootibatootie: same as the pits...because that part of all of us can sweat more than any other place on our bodies, and wearing tight britches causes the odors to develop and worsen. Bacteria grows rapidly down there and fast. Loose clothing keeps the air circulating.

    Feet: Again, soap and water if you cannot bathe. Twice a day if you are inclined to have the stinkies and air dry those tootsies to avoid getting a fungus.

    Face: the cleaner the better, as with the teeth.

    Well that about covers it.....

  20. This might sound gross but it works

    I have used deoderant and stuff so i won't stink, but you couldn't smell it and then i didn't shower for like 2-3 days and i smelled fine. :S. It was a one time thing though. I was at a cottage. I was always surrounded by fresh air and fresh water though.

  21. Hellow. i agree wit T. if yo shower daily than you'll build a tolerance. so if one day you cant shower than you wont smell as bad. use deodorant soap. :)

  22. Use Avon natural soaps. I have the gardenia scented. It stays on your skin for a long time.

  23. take a shower... and use a clean smelling bodywash/soap.

  24. Shower daily.


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