
Females - Why do I develop muscles when I'm losing weight?

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I do purely cardio; running and tennis. I've recently lost alot of weight and instead of looking lean and 'thin' I seem to have extremely low body fat but my muscles are very visible. It makes wearing strappy tops and dresses difficult because when I do, I feel like I look more like a man than I do a woman! I don't look feminine atall. I'm still a size 6/8 but for some reason the muscles make me look horrible. My veins are visible on my arms and my shoulders are big.

Is it possible that my body type doesn't enable me to be thin without muscle? I hate it! I know I'm athletic but it's almost as if the weight I am at doesn't suit my body. Has anyone else found this?




  1. If you do vigorous exercise then you tend to build up muscle as well as loosing weight, but if you do a lot of gentle exercise then you will just loose weight without building up too much muscle.


  2. OK when you was overweight your muscles were naturally larger as they had to carry around excess fat all day, they got strong and bigger, when you exercise with aerobics it makes the fat cells shrink, and the larger muscles that you have are shown more clearly (defined, cut) its natural to be defined after losing bodyfat.

  3. The lose of weight will make your muscle more define.As far as looking muscular that might be more genetics.If your short that may make you appear more muscular.

  4. Oh honey, if you are able to build muscle so easy, yay for you!!

    Tennis involves a lot of upper body movement. You are working those muscles. They are toned and probably looks really good, you just aren't comfortable with it. Why not drop the tennis to about half the time you are doing it and take up yoga on the days your don't swat balls.

    I know it isn't anything that keeps you sweating, however I have had my best lean tone ever with yoga or ballet. It increases your flexibility which can be lost when you bulk up. It will also train your muscles to stretch rather than grow.

    You could also reduce your protein intake and if you are concerned with gaining weight... think about it, you eat more now because you body needs it, if you aren't doing as much, you wont need those calories and will likely not be as hungry and wont eat as much.

    good job on your dedication! seems you reached a goal, most of us would have been thrilled with!

  5. to lose weight without becoming muscled with exercising you should have a certain eating

    routine. You should not eat 2 hours before your workout, and 2 hours

    after. You should not eat protein 5 hours before and 5 hours after

    your workout. When you consume protein and then exercise, you grow

    your muscle, bulk. It leads to weight gain.

    When you eat in 2 hours before and 2 hours after time frame, you

    should consume fruit, vegetables, good carbs. You will certainly not grow any muscles then.

    Of course, it maybe that you are gentically one of these muscled persons, a mesomorph. You need to have short, intense workout, you do not need long sessions+ the protein rule above.

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