
Females answer this question please?

by Guest67028  |  earlier

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My cousin is 12 and she has irregular periods. Normally, the period last for around 6 days and the cycle repeats after 28 days, but according to her, she said that her cycle repeats after 14 days. She started to have her period when she was 11. Is there anything wrong with her?




  1. Probably not.  She might be spotting between periods and thinking its an actual period..

  2. Nope periods all periods are irregular at some point, especially during the first couple of years. She's fine. (:

  3. my best advice is to never get medical advices from people online.

    get your cousin checked out at the doctors.. the answer that you will get will be much more relieving and more accepting

  4. She's still young and developing. Unless she's had s*x, I'd say nothing is wrong, just still adjusting.

  5. Nothing is wrong. Just a young body not adjusted to a regular cycle yet

  6. Nope and if she really thinks there is she should go to the doctor.All peoples bodies are different. I know mine just starts when it feels like it and I am 20...

  7. When your younger, it's fairly common to be very irregular. My little sister is the opposite. She bleeds for four days and skips a month or two. Her doctor said its completely normal and will regulate as she gets older and her hormones settle a little.

  8. No. inthe first couple years, your cycle can be iregular.

  9. No I've had my Period for eight years now, And I'm still not regular.  

  10. She's 12! She's a kid! Irregular periods are normal. My period didn't regulate until I went on the pill at 18, although it had evened out a bit by the time I was 15.

    There is nothing wrong with her, unless she's sexually active. This is nature taking it's course.

  11. Irregular periods will be what she can expect to endure for a few years.  She should talk to her doctor anyway, just to make sure that everything is alright.

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