
Females on TV in Mexico vs. the USA: Why are the Latinas more conscientious about looking s**y?

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Television in the USA is criticized for having too much s*x. And I'm not saying that females on TV in the USA are not s**y. We have some of the most s**y and beautiful women in the world on television in the USA. But there is something about females on TV from Mexico and other Hispanic areas that seems to say this is a culture where the women truly embrace their femininity and try to look as s**y as they can. Isn't there something good about that? Have we lost sight of certain basic things in America in our effort to completely blur the differences between men and women when it comes to equality across the board? Mexican television can also be ridiculous and primitive in other areas (in my opinion) but I see more of it living here on the US/Mexico border. But do you admire the s**y Latinas on Mexican or Hispanic TV? Do you hate them or shun them? Should our ladies on TV in the USA take a page from our friends South of the Border?




  1. People here are supposedly so strict in everything, and we're the most closet freaks you could ever know. I am Spanish, and I don't get the funny shows they have on there, they are so freakin' cheesy, but the chicks are hot! I think most of these girls are Latin American, and most people don't dress like that unless they are on TV, but I have nothing against their dress or looks. There is nothing wrong in it. But if you dress like that in the USA omg she is such a hoochie or w***e! That has always pissed me off. Plus these are warmer climates and of course people will dress nicer, although I lived in Florida, and everyone there was disgustingly dressed like slobs. People in America consider sweats and jeans dressed up. I hope we get out of that notion and dress like Europeans more or ban sweats unless you are walking your dog or something.

  2. To answer your nonsense question, who are you to compare US and MEX. TV.... Keep in mind that these are TWO DIFFERENT countries, what WE Mexicans consider beautiful and s**y is nature beauty, but TV is TV, of course everyone even in the us want to look and feel good no matter what.....

    So my advice to you is let them be.....

    And for ((((KATE V.)))) and (((ROLANDO M))))

    you two need a life seriously...

    Starting with KATE V., You need to understand MEXICANS are beautiful weather they're short, dark, light skinned, tall, skinny, or fat... the people you seem to have a problem with is  Mexican actress. Look 85.9%- 96% OF THE ACTRESS  you see on soaps are Mexicans the other one come to Mexico to become an actress because they could not make it anywhere else, so there for you are not just insulting Mexicans, you are insulting Cent.America and South America also.

    Oh and one other thing Kate V. Mexicans are not dark little Indians o.k.

    Now for the other Mexican hating Dumb Fu*k, you need to quit drawing ignorant slur about us Mexicans, you don't see no one over the net making slur about you or your race. So grow up and get a life, and if you already have one learn how to use it, cause it comes in handing in time.....

  3. you need to know more about mexican culture before you say that latina women have "embraced" their femininity.  it's more like....they are SO much viewed as sexual objects, that there is NO other way to survive.  in my opinion, it is NOT a positive thing, and many latinas do not see this as even an option, they have to look s**'s not about wanting too.  and again, that doesn't sound progressive or positive to me.  women in the workplace are still wearing business suits with skirts halfway up their thigh!!  no matter how intelligent they are, they know they have to be s**y to get any attention or success.  it's disgusting.

    i can agree on one small point.  as a women, i do enjoy being feminine, and my mexican boyfriend will never say "hurry up!!" he understands, and appreciates the time i may want to take to look nice.  it's IS nice to live around women who want to have a good appearance, and don't have to hide their beauty rituals.  but whereas i do it for me, i feel like they are "forced" to do it.

  4. I think they simply are more s**y. Hot weather or hot bloodied or something.

  5. don't watch too much television!.

    I think it is because the mexican women have not lost their femine side.

    Income inequality could play a role in here.

    let me explain this further.

    the other day I was driving my car  i was surprised by the fact a white woman around 27 or 28 Y.O. was doing some acrobatics in the traffic just between the green lights using kind of baseball balls, then she preceeded to collect some coins among the drivers waiting for the green light ( i think i could've been some kind of prank  played by these tv shows like jackass or something related to them ex. candid camera or i got you on video).

    Well I inmidiately was aware she was not mexican, because no white mexican women with fair skin ,tall with an slender BODY would have done that even if she had been hired by the mexican t.v. to perform such a role.

    wHAT i WANT TO state is  the mexican tv actresses and the people who are not part of the entertainment industry with that kind of look  usually use their physical appearance to marry up and get  a wealthy husband, and they are extremely picky and uptight!, kind of snob, so  probablY THE GIRL who performed the act in between the green lights is an european who was just traveling round mexico and just wanted to have fun, or at least was hired as a member of a t.v. show  who knows.

    a young mexican woman like the woman i ran into the lights had never been wearing pans and sports SHOES to ask for some money because by the solely fact of wearing tight jeans and wearing make up and going to the local starbucks to have a coffee could easily outstand from the crowd thus be able to pick up a nice mr. right guy with high income in a blink of an eye.

    It could be the reason why the mexican young and hot women you see on mexican t.v. looks like that,

    they are in a tough competition for the most succesulf mates,

    they are taught to behave in that way , they are consevative feminazis, fascist, snob, elegant golddiggers.

    Due to income inequality even if they earn a bachelor degree on engineering or medicine is not for sure they are going to get the way of living they've always been eager to have, so they use they body as a weapon and their stylin' as a strategic element to achieve they final goal  "To get the Richest and more handsome mr.right guy to support me and my offspring not only for this generatinon But the generation of my offspring as well".

    check this out, the girls who appear in this webpage are the ones you've talk about isn't it?.

    well I got only bad news mate if you are to get a wife like this in mexico  you must have a relevant work or your own business, a nice house, better than (they parent's household) you also must exude class, dress like the guys on the pictures, and be like a sheep saying yes yes to all they want even if you just want to get laid, i say so because I've seen good looking gringos been rejected at the club by those kind of girls.

    But all of this madness is coming to an end because this kind of girls are very common in europe ,as countries like spain , france, Italy even germany are having poor economic performance and high income equality (they feel trapped in the middle class cage)  the girls from this countries are tempted to seek greener pastures oversees.

    they have starting to arrive to mexico to pick up middle and upeer-middle class succesful mates, i assume something really bad is going on in france, because I 've heard that french girls get married to mexican upper-middle class mates quite frequently, on the other hand something is terrible wrong among german young man because I've notice they come over here to pick up whatever they get.

    there is another clue!.

    In mexico if you want to find a ho ho ho kind of playboy girl magazine, you have to pay more than 1000 euros if you are lucky.

    However in Spain the same kind girl is working in the public park(CASA DE CAMPO) for 25 euros  why in the h**l is that?

    the reason is simple, the mexican conservative women with that look , prefers to get married to a wealthy man (actually THIS IS diable . Because there are no girls like those[PLAYMATES] women in  mexico).

    There are no ho ho hoes like those in mexico it is AN scarse resourse thus expensive.

    The ho ho hoes in spain are quite affordable because there are a lot of girls with that hot body willing to work for 25 euros,  

    and they are liberal , they don't need man to fullfill their dreams and of course there are numerically loads of hot girls IN EASTERN europe.

    they charge you 25 euros because there are abundant and don't mind working on the streets they're liberal no religious values.

    everything is arguable in the words i stated before ,please don't take it too seriously.


  6. I do not like the women on mexican TV at all.And here's why:Everyone on mexican TV is white.Mexico is 8% percent white.I  rarely see Native or indian looking people on mexican TV.Mexico has alot of native looking people,YET they only put Spainard looking (White) on there.the woman have terrible plastic surgery,(Lip injections,super fake looking boob jobs,Super fake looking Butt implants,waist lyposuction,ect,ect)Natural beauty is beauty,not plastic & freaky looking.I think the female Actresses from India (Aishwarya Rai,ect) are a million times prettier,sexier,fennime,natural looking ect.I think black woman like Iman are more beautiful as well, polynesian woman are more pretty as well & woman like Anna kournakova.I think Native Mexican woman i see in my neighborhood are more pretty as well.

  7. I dont know bro, but i do know that their hella fine and i dont have a prob with that!

  8. I'm all about being feminine, s**y, etc.  I think it suits who I am and my personality very well.  But everyone is different.  And I think it's good that here (US) women have more freedom to seek out and find their own identities.  I think that the woman who is truly a sexual and feminine being doesn't need her society and culture to reinforce it for her all the time.  It will come out no matter what.

    I have more admiration for a woman who shows and reflects who she is, whether it's the acceptable standard or not.  Being s**y because you HAVE TO is not brave, and does not necessarily reflect that a woman is truly that comfortable with her own body.  I hope that made sense.

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