
Females only how do i look...?

by  |  earlier

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im not after complements i just want to know and i also want to know if u where 16 would u date me (thats how old i am)




  1. It would depend on your personality and interests if I'd date you.

    I suggest getting a more modern style of glasses or contacts and growing out your hair. The buzz cut isn't a young, fresh look. =/

  2. you're just like 40 pretending to be young and cool, but you're not young or cool

    btw, you're soooooo ugly

  3. i definitly wouldnt date you. your not hot. and you look about 36.

  4. aaaaa

    omg your 16?

    your joking right?

    seriously, you look 40 or something

    i think my heart skipped a beat when i saw you

    and not in a good way


  5. not bad but not wow maybe exercise more muscle but not buff buff either

    help with mine;...

  6. UGLY!!!! AHHH!!!

  7. ummmm ur like 40.........

  8. um i'm sorry but you're not my type. but you'll find somebody.

  9. I hope you don't base your opinions about yourself on these cruel and immature girls..


    seriously dude?

  11. If you got contacts. Then probably. Cause my dad has those same glasses.

  12. sryy but no =/ just not might type!

  13. Omfg, I'm g*y and find you UNATTRACTIVE.  

  14. you're 16?? you look 30 years old.

  15. Holy mother ****** you DON'T look 16

    and NO because you DON'T FREAKING LOOK IT!

  16. I definitely believe your 16, I'm an adult but I work with teenagers.  I think the style of glasses (which are actually pretty nice) make you look a little older.  Also, the angle of the picture is kind of low which makes you look a little bigger then you probably are.  It's hard to tell with this picture!  But, you do have very nice eyes, and I wouldn't worry so much about what girls will think.  We're more attracted to confidence and a good personality then anything else!  So if you don't worry so much about it, I'm sure girls will be into you.

  17. i hope its true that your not after compliments......

  18. you look like your 36, and im 17, i would not date you

  19. You look like you're waaaay older than 16...

  20. sorry but u kinda look too old and  no i  would not date you

  21. I'm not into old dudes.....

  22. girls, he really does look 16. he just looks taller cuz of the angle and i guess a bit bigger. he is 16, though. i wouldn't assume otherwise.

  23. i'm definitaly not trying to be mean but i don't really think your that attractive, thats the nicest way i can put it :/ sorry!

    ps. u don't really look 16 but with another pic i'm sure you'd look younger.

    sorry if i offended u.

    but honestly, if you're a nice guy with a great personality, i would definitaly date you! you seem sweet :0)

  24. not into 40 year olds who pretend to be younger...

  25. you look like your 35 no way!

  26. Just take off the glasses and grow your hair out long then youll get the girls after you...

  27. ^^

    Fishing for compliments, old man?

    Your not 16, moron. And if you actually are, your hormones are out of wack.

  28. nope answer mines now

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