
Females only: okay jus say your already pregnant...but you have s*x...what can happen...if something?

by  |  earlier

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GiirLS onlii PLEASE




  1. Nothing will happen. Your already pregnant. I also believe it helps relieve stress, so. Sure, go for it!

  2. you can still have s*x when your pregnant. it wont harm the baby

  3. Well, I dont think the Baby would like being poked with that, but...Oh well. 8D I may only be 13, but I know it wont hurt the baby. But I would stop. I mean, I think the baby will come out pissed from being poked with your Boyfriend's p***s. :D

  4. Baby attacks the sperm with lasers coming out of its eyes....

    nothing will happen.. maybe an o****m if you have s*x.. but thats pretty much it...

  5. nothin can happen.. you're already pregnant lol.. do you mean can it harm the baby? as long as its not rough (not meaning to sound crude) its fine lol

  6. Nothing will change the fact that you are pregnant but you still should use a condom and protect yourself and the baby from STD's. s*x will not hurt the baby in anyway.

  7. nothing can happen if any thing it's healthy, and better yet people have told my that it relives stress!

  8. nothing happen.If you donot have problem you can have s*x.but one weak before your baby born you should not have s*x.just be in a position that help you and baby to feel comfortable

  9. Dont particepate s*x up to 5 months it may damage the egg

    Afterwords nothing wl happen till the delivery.u no need to stop after  few days thing wl not go in .one thing is u feal very happy while doing it the resion is u wl not feeal  pregnency tension

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