Have a friend, her divorce will be finalized next week. We've been friends for years,,,so before I press on, I know about all the "wait til she's ready" type answers,,I don't need to see those answers,,,I'm a mature person, and I do have common sense, so refrain from those,,,read the scenario and the questions at the end. I know what I should do, but that's not my question..
anyways we've been friends for years and have discussed dating when "she's ready",,totally in agreement with that as she has lots of things going on in her life at the moment and dating (so I assumed) would be the last thing on her mind..Well recently, our "friendship" has resulted in us messing around a bit more physically, with both of us wanting it, so as we seem to get physically more intimate with each other, I asked her one day what I was to her,,,she tells me she loves me to death (as a friend as the term "love" is used too freely now days to me), but her "loving me to death" means she likes me a lot, but she said she can't "BE" with someone 100% right now. Again totally understandable on my part,,,she loves me to death and loves hanging out with me...I have kids and she has kids, so we do things together with the kids and without. No big deal,,but as she's telling me she's not treating me fair because of what she's going through, she can't be anymore than she is because there are lots of times when she feels sorry for me because she can't be with me emotionally like she wants to be, and that's not fair to me.....again totally understandable with everything she told me, again, I'm not blind to her situation and I do have common sense. But here's the kicker,,,as she told me she'd date me and wants to date me, but when she's ready,,,,after she tells me those things,,,she's dated other men....So when I hear her tell me how "special" I am to her and she wants to date me, and loves me to death and all these things are very nice and great to hear,,,,she doesn't understand why I don't think or believe her when she tells me I'm special to her, and here is why I don't believe her......if I was so special to her (as she tells me), and wants to date me when she's ready,,,,,,,,
How can she not be ready to date me (as I'm so special to her), and she's dated other guys?
I don't get that...she's not ready to date me (someone who's special to her), but she's ready to date other men, if I'm so special to her, how can she be ready to date other men?
I mean seriously, why do I NOT feel "special" ?? She tells me I am, but I don't feel like I am,,,how should I feel?
I would never tell a woman that she's "special" and all these wonderful things and tell her I want to date her when I'm ready, but then the next week, date other women
Ladies - What does she mean by telling me this? If I’m so special, why is she dating other men?