
Feminism Question?

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I don't get it. Why are women so angry about inequality in treatment? Men are simply genetically built to be stronger and smarter (hunters) while women are better structured for keeping the home and giving birth. It's not sexism, it's just how things are, it's like that with plenty of species. I don't understand what the problem is.




  1. i wonder if you "hunt" Y/A all day for dummies to really make an attempt at answering your questions.  i can't believe that you really have nothing better to do.

    oh - and so you can't violate me, i'm gonna answer your question!  women are angry about inequality in treatment because there are still men out there who think like you do.  we'll never get anywhere that way.  and if men like you are all we have to choose from, civilization as we know it would come to a complete end.  i know i wouldn't have your baby!

  2. Cute username.

    You're a little late, btw. Most people on the G&WS board are trolls. This isn't a very good attempt.


  3. It doesn't matter what men and women are structured for (even if these claims were true). Men shouldn't be kept from keeping the home, and women shouldn't be kept from tasks that require intelligence or strength. It's more important for me to use my brain to produce a radio show than it is for me to use my uterus to produce an infant.

  4. It sounds like there is probably a lot you do not understand.  Its's not feminists fault, its probably simply genetic.

  5. I'm not angry about anything, I just am who I am. To be honest, my husband is better at cleaning the house than me, and he takes waaaaaaaay longer in front of the mirror than I do. Oh, he's definitely hot and manly, but he likes arts and crafts, cries at the right movie (Rudy, Remember the Titans) and is so good with kids. Me, I'm not that good with kids and not looking forward to having any until the last minute, if ever.  Further, he and I know I'm in charge of all handyman work because I own ALL the tools (I built the workshop) and have more experience and adeptness for home improvement. I still do all my hair and makeup and girly clothes, but I could care less about who does what, as long as it gets done.

  6. Was it really worth 5 points to make yourself look like an uneducated ignorant fool?

  7. So I shouldn't have the right to do what I want if I'm genetically built to do something else (which many scientists doubt)?

  8. Are you for real?  Do you even know ANYTHING about genetics?  I am betting that you do not.  The ONLY reasons why men can be stronger and faster than women are as follows:  increased testosterone (men) versus decreased testosterone (women) allows for increased and larger muscle growth, and men are faster than women ONLY because of how a woman's hips are anatomically made; they're angled for childbirth.  In regards to intelligence, that is one of the most blasphemous things I have ever read.  Women aren't as smart as men because of their genetics?  Women and men think in different ways and have different strengths and weaknesses.  Does the fact that I graduated at the top of my class in Biochemistry say that I am a genetic freak then?

    "Women are better structured for keeping the home and giving birth"

    I cannot argue that yes, we womenfolk are the only ones of our species that can create a child and deliver it.  However; do you know that in ancient cultures, WOMEN were the high priestesses?  Also that WOMEN were divine and through their sexuality even made it possible for boys to be viewed as men and thus the "strong protector?"  Furthermore, there is absolutely no genetic evidence or otherwise that says a woman's place is "keeping the home."  Women in history have "kept homes" because MEN have kept them there, and modern society and religion have revered men and condemned women for something that the very first one of us, probably didn't even do!

    If you want to make an informed question about something touchy and possibly even controversial, know your damned facts.  I suggest you actually research something and read a book while you're at it.  As someone who is devoting their life to genetics and research, this is one of the most absurd things that I have ever read.  Women do get angry about inequality because there is so much of it.  But more often than naught, women, like me right now for instance, get mad at bigots and misogynists like yourself.

    You know so much about genetics then go pour some ethidium bromide on yourself...a**.

  9. Haha... some of the best answers ever. Me, angry? I can't stop laughing!

    Thanks for the points.

  10. hm, and how exactly are women 'better structured' for keeping the home? wider hips allow easier vacuuming perhaps? as i have narrow hips, should i hire a wider hipped cleaner?

    and how are men 'better structured' for writing reports and looking down a microscope? does having broader shoulders mean they can differentiate between plant pathogens more easily than women?

    ever considered that it's people like you who are making the problem, not feminists?

  11. You misunderstand.

    Feminists will be angry forever. They will always be angry. It doesn't matter what they get from men.

  12. That's just what you were taught.  We are not animals, and I hope that your behavior is above the level of a dog or a chimp.  Humans have reason so they can rise above instinct.  We try to do many things that are against instinct.  Pure instinct would have people stealing, murdering, and having s*x with every other person they could all the time, ignoring work and responsibilities.  But if we see a human that is too controlled by their animal natures, we do not think, that's just the way it is.  No, they are looked down upon, and in some cases put in prison.

    Equality between the sexes is fair.  Humans can do things that are right and good just because logically it is the most fair way to be.  

    BTW, physical strength gives men little advantage, since we no longer do physically hard labor.  Some do, but it doesn't pay well.  The big bucks come when you work with your brain, and men are not smarter than women.  Accd. to Mensa, the high IQ society, the IQ's of men and women are statistically equal.  

    Stay in school!
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